chapter 15: the day i met the she devil

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For the next few days Lottie and I arranged a lot of furniture and know all the Ikea employees..also our bank accounts are crying.

One night around 6:00 after a full day, Lottie and I were watching Netflix. She was sitting on the couch with some popcorn and I had a bag of twix. We were both sharing a huge fluffy blanket. I began to think about how much I missed doing this with Jane. Before I could mope anymore we heard a knock. Lottie got up to see who it was


"Charlotte we- Ellie?" He said pushing himself in

"Ellie is gonna stay here a while, she's just helping me settle in" Lottie explained trying to regain his attention

"Oh well anyways Mrs. DeBourgh has invited us to dinner again and of course Elizabeth you are more than welcome to come" in reality I didn't want to go so I tried to be polite

"Oh well i-"

"Of course you will both have to change. I've called The Uber for 7:00"

"Oh uhm okay" Lottie said. she seemed nervous but also kind of flattered "now before you say anything Ellie, don't worry just put on something nice"

Therefore I followed my definition of"nice". I put on a flowy maroon short, some jeans, a cream cardigan and some Birkenstocks. I was very ready for fall.

Lottie and I met Rick outside the building and drove for a couple minutes before we got to a huge house.
  It looked like a castle. It had a dark pointed roof with stone details everywhere and huge yard with stone fountains all around.

We were invited to the dining room by maid where we met Mrs. DeBourgh. Rick introduced me and reintroduced Lottie, then we all sat in a small dark dining room. The table was a hard oak and the chairs, just as hard.

Mrs. DeBourgh herself was an older woman who looked like she may have had one too many Botox appointments. Her smile was permanently plastered however she didn't look very happy. Her dark hair had hints of gray. She was a very curvy woman but her red fingernails were long and skinny.

She and Rick talked, a lot, then she turned her attention to me.

"So Elizabeth, I hear you know my friends the Bingley's?" She asked chewing slowly

"Yes ma'am. Charles and Caroline are both lovely people" well one of them is.

"Rick tells me you have other sisters as well" her eyes now glued to me

"Uh yes, Jane is two years older and Lyddia is three years younger."

"And is that all?" She replied

"Yes ma'am" I said. I then took another bite of food trying to get out of the conversation

"Do you have any talents?" She asked. I could tell she was judging me by the way her eyes cut up and my little self in the big chair

"Excuse me" what did she mean by a talent, like tongue touching nose kind of talent?

"Do you draw, play an instrument, academically excellent in a particular area?"

"Uh Lyddia draws" yeah she draws boy parts l over the bathroom stalls at school

"Any musical talent out of the three of you?" She was beginning to annoy me but the red blades on her fingers were beginning to tap on the shiny table

"I used to, ma'am" I responded

"Well, what? Piano, harp.."

"Acoustic guitar" I played for a few years, but I wasn't very good

"Ahh, my niece plays that as well as the piano. However she prefers the keys to a string" was this woman trying to make me feel bad about myself. I already wanted to leave

But I held it together " that's nice" was all I said

"I'm sure your nanny had trouble keeping up your studies during the summer" she said

"We never had a nanny or a tutor" my parents knew summer was for vacation and Jane and I pushed ourselves anyway.

"Did you attend a private academy?" She then asked"

"No ma'am, but Lyddia is very bright and Jane and I both graduated with honors"

The woman only glared. I feel like she thought I wasn't "up to par". Like I was inferior because of my family.

As we we're saying goodbye Mrs. DeBourgh invited us again.

"Oh Rick, come again soon" she mentioned me and Lottie as well however she refused to look at me. She was definitely a good actress though. "In a few days Fitz is coming to visit Anna and his cousin,"

"Thank you for the invitation" replied Rick. Honestly, what a suck up.

I swear this woman was almost as rude as Darcy

The day of the second dinner arrived and this time we were going to leave at 6:00

I prayed for it to go better than the first time. I also hoped her nephews and daughter were nice. You never know though.

That night I also tried a little bit harder. I put on a brick colored t-shirt dress from Lottie and of course my handy dandy cardigan I wore too much.

We once again arrived at the mansion but dinner wasn't quite ready yet. We walked into a small sitting room off the dining hall and found three figured there. I nudged Lottie to show her I didn't know what to do.

"Rick nice to see you again, and you too girls" Mrs. DeBourgh seemed a little less excited about the latter half.
"This is my daughter Anna and my son Fitz" wow I got that family tree way off. Just saying, who'd make two kids with that woman.

Fitz was a redhead. He looked like a cool guy to hang out with. He seemed like a funny sidekick from a 2000's movie.

Anna on the other hand didn't look so we'll. She was obviously close to my she but didn't carry herself that way. Her hair was dark like her mother's and her outfits were as we which brought out her under eyes even more. She basically looked frail and sickly and all I could do was have sympathy for her.

Mrs. DeBourgh, Lottie and Rick were all talking enthusiastically about the company. Apparently Lottie was pretty dang good at her job and Mrs. DeBourgh seemed to like her quite well. Anna and Fitz we're engaged in a conversation catching up. It appeared they were very close more close to each other than their mom.
  I was looking about the room and saw a window that faced the outside gardens. I was beginning to go into a trance when the door opening knocked me out of it.

"Sorry I'm late Aunt Catherine"

There he was. Darcy was standing right in front of me. His hair was a tad  untidy but put together and he seemed genuinely apologetic. He had on a gray button up rolled to his elbows and black pants.

Totally a fan of the look....he was going for not for him obviously, that's ridiculous. Why are you smirking? Ugh moving on

"Darcy" I stood up and tucked a piece of fallen hair behind me ear. He turned to me and while is composure seemed unaffected his eyes were wide with astonishment.

"Ellie?" He said confused

Hey y'all. So now comes the juicy part. I know I built up a long chapter but trust me you will have plenty of cute Darcy and Ellie moments. As of right now we are number 50 in #prideandprejudice. Which doesn't seem like a lot but it truly means a lot. I've already started thinking about the next story.

One is an original idea about best friends and it's a boy and girl duh, they will have a build up and their relationship won't ever be the same.

Or do a modern day sound of music from Maria, Liesl, brigitta, and the baronesses perspective (I'd change their names of course to be a bit more modern) but I think it would be cool to see what I think went down behind the scenes and that we didn't see in the movie

If you could tell me which you like better I'd be down. I'll do both, but which do you want first.

Thanks for listening 💛💜💛💜💛 -eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now