-Lee Felix and his Second Accident-

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Felix shakes his pen, arching an eyebrow as he scratches at the paper. He curses, dabbing the point to his tongue, hoping that the ink on the tip had just dried. To his luck, no more ink...

The professor was talking too fast, panicking, Felix turns to the guy next to him, smiling awkwardly as he racks up his messy Korean.

"Excuse me," he starts softly and slowly. The man arches an eyebrow, glancing to Felix. "Do you have a pen I could borrow? I wish to return it later."

Zhong Chenle (Felix thinks that's his name) shrugs, pulling out another pen from his backpack, handing it to a smiling Felix. The blonde-haired man bowed, smiling and thanking Chenle as he returns to writing his notes, hoping to keep up with the professor. He missed some information, which he hoped could make up later by asking someone, so he continues from where the professor was. 


"I heard you bumped into Changbin," Chan took a sip of his Cappuccino, arching an eyebrow at Felix as the blonde took a bite from his fruit tart.

"Who's Changbin?"

"Scary bloke? Black hair and a sharp chin? You don't know him? He's notorious in the music department."

Felix chews at his snack, eyes wide and shaking his head as Chan sighs.

"Well, Seo Changbin is a nasty bloke. Cold-hearted, dark. He makes music, and it's incredible. I listened to it myself, however, it's scary to just look at him," Chan shudders. "Gives me goosebumps."

Felix wonders, if he opened his eyes earlier, what would he see? A tall, scary, big guy? With scars or seeming as if he had just beaten up someone down the street. Maybe he would see someone with ghastly teeth like he eats children for breakfast. Or maybe he looks perfectly normal, however, with dark intentions. Like a serial killer. Felix is just really glad he hadn't opened his eyes, maybe he would've gotten a good beating.

"How do you even know I bumped into him?"

"Woojin told me. He said he saw all of it, carried you like this and all that-" Chan imitates Changbin, how he had held Felix up earlier, a hand to the small of his back and an arm wrapped around his shoulder. Felix burns up, stuffing his face with his tart as Chan makes teasing kissing noises.

"No! It's not like that! I don't even know him!" Felix's accent was heavy, Chan bursting into loud laughter.

"Ah, I know. I'm just messing with ya, ya know," The blonde-haired man smiles, wide and dimples appearing.

"It's not funny," Felix tries to wipe away the blush behind his freckles, kicking Chan under the table. The older yelps, almost spilling his Americano. "Aish, I'm so embarrassed. Why'd he have to catch me like that? Why'd he have to catch me, period? He could've let me fall and I'd be fine with it, really fine with that."

"Really, you should talk to Changbin. You guys would be great friends."

"Why don't you talk to Changbin?" Felix grumbles.

"Me? Ah, no thanks," Chan shakes his head. "I'd rather not have nightmares of getting stabbed thank you very much."

"I don't understand why you make such a huge fuss about him-"

"Yeah, that's the point. You don't understand," Chan glances around, voice dropping to a low whisper as he scoots and leans closer to Felix. "I gathered he's into witchcraft and that. Remember Yixing? Yeah, he told me that he saw one of Changbin's books open, and it was about witchcraft and sacrifices, awful, I know. He told me in the library one day, a week later he disappeared. Crazy right?"

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