-Lee Felix Taking Care of His Home-

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"Hyung! Hurry the hell up!" Felix pounds on the bathroom door, opening the door as Changbin is barely done with brushing his teeth. "I thought you didn't want me to skip any Korean lessons- what's wrong this time?"

"Get out a minute and let me change then!" Changbin barked back, toothpaste still in his mouth as Felix rolls his eyes, the younger shutting the door with a small huff. He waits a few minutes, arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently on the wood floor. The one day he's excited about their Korean lesson is the one goddamn day Changbin decides to be lazy! The nerve of this guy-

He perks up as the shorter finally opens the door, eyes low and face paler than it should be.

"Did you take a bad shit or what? What's wrong with you?" Felix frowns.

"Nothing, let's go," Changbin croaked out, Felix holding his arm before he could walk past him. He arches an eyebrow as Felix hesitates to presses the back of his palm to Changbin's forehead, jumping back slightly in surprise.

"Omo- Changbin! You're burning up! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't think it's that bad-"

"Aish- Stay home. I don't think you'd even make it to the bus stop."

"Felix, I can take the common cold. You're overreacting-"

"Yah! Stay here-" Felix runs into the bathroom, coming out seconds later with a thermometer at hand, sticking into Changbin's mouth.

They wait a minute until a beep breaks the silence between them, Changbin's heavy eyelids coming to a close as he sighed through his nose.

"See?! 38.8 Celsius!" Felix crossed his arms, gesturing at the thermometer.
"Really? Must be broken-"

"Aish!" Felix takes hold of Changbin's hand, dragging him into the bedroom. The blonde Australian pushes the older to the bed, scouring through his closet for sweatpants and a regular shirt.

"Here, change into that-" Felix barks, chucking the clothes at Changbin. He crouches by the bed, throwing the Munchlax plushie at the older. "And lay down, rest-"


"I'll be back. Don't move..." Felix hisses at the older, rushing out to the kitchen. He rushed to put together soup, burning himself multiple times with a curse. With the bowl in hand, he brings in medicine with him, returning beside Changbin who lay under the covers.


"Here, eat, and drink that when you're done," Felix settles the bowl on the nightstand.


"If you need anything remember to call me- I'll get it-"

"Felix!" Changbin takes hold on Felix's hand before it could continue its frantic gestures, his hand cold sweaty, making Felix's eyebrows knit together. "It's just a fever. All I need is a day in bed, and I'll be fine! You don't need to go back and forth, here and there! Have you never had a fever before?" Changbin huffs. "You can go to school, have Chan take over the lesson today. I'll be fine."


"Yo! Focus here!" Chan snaps in front of Felix, the latter perking up with multiple blinks to get him back down to earth.

"I know Changbin's sick and all that but like- focus here! He said he'll be fine, he'll be fine!" Chan waves a dismissing hand.

Felix nods, paying attention to whatever Chan was saying in Korean for about five seconds.

He couldn't help it. How could Changbin stay that calm with a 38 Celsius fever? That wasn't normal, and he was willing to go to school! Really, what had gotten into his head?!

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