-Lee Felix Expressing his Hate for Seo Changbin-

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"Yah!" Felix shot up from his book, eyes wide and wiping off the drool that slipped from the corner of his mouth. Changbin scoffs, grimacing at Felix as the Australian stares at him wide-eyed. "Get out of here, you'll be late to class."

"What?" Felix spoke in slurred English, rubbing his eyes. He checks his phone, gasping as- yes- he was late. "Aw shit!" He shot up shoving his things in his backpack.

"Yah, give this to Bang Chan as well," Changbin holds up Chan's yellow backpack, throwing it to the other. "Aish, I tried to help you today, you ended up falling asleep! I thought you wanted to be better in Korean so you don't have to be all like 'Hi my name is Felix, I can't speak much Korean' headass-" he hisses. "That's very polite of you."

"Speak for yourself," Felix grumbled under his breath, Changbin's eyebrows shooting up. "Why don't we have a lesson on being polite instead?"

"What was that?" He scoffs, gesturing to the door. "I hope you'll be late, pabo."

"How do you even know my schedule?" Felix sighs, shrugging a backpack strap on as he carries Chan's.

"You leave the library at the same time, every day- Aish! Just go!"

Felix bows, turning his heel before running out of the library. He remembers to slow down at the stairs, as he doesn't want another asshole to catch him and having Zhong Chenle find out about it and make another bet concerning him- Aish, he wonders when it'll ever stop.

Really, Felix doesn't understand why he agreed in the first place. Maybe he was pressured or maybe he was that broke- however one thing for sure, he knew he would instantly turn down the bet if it had anything sexual to do with Changbin. He'd like to keep his holiness, thanks.

"Jikseu!" Chan runs beside Felix, out of breath. "What happened? Why were you in there for so long?"

"Thanks, Chan for leaving me!" Felix hisses. "He bit my head off a second into the lesson! I hope you're happy, I was bleeding out to death and hoping you would come and save me but then I saw you talking to Kim Woojin outside! Bros before hoes?! Seriously, don't call me mate anymore. You're an Aussie Asshole..."

"Aw, you're still salty 'bout that?" Chan questions, breathless. "Did you just call Woojin a hoe-"

"I didn't want to be alone with him!" Felix whined, shoving the backpack into Chan's hands as the two slow down.

"What d'you two talk about, anyway?"

"He taught me Korean," Felix grumbled, halting as to catch his breath. He takes a deep breath as Chan leans over, eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

"Excuse me- taught you?"

"I couldn't really learn anything, he talks too fast-"

"Wow!" Chan laughs breathless, running a hand through his blonde hair "I mean, Wow! The infamous SpearB actually teaching you- a nobody at that... I'm impressed Jikseu!"

"I fell asleep on him though..."

"Did he get mad at you?"

"Of course he did, what else does he do, anyway?" Felix sighs. "Chris, I gotta go to class, see you later... I guess..." 


Zhong Chenle, a genius in entrepreneurship, the youngest in all of Felix's classes, a bitch nonetheless. Felix doesn't know if they're considered friends or business partners or whatever, but he knew Chenle's always got some sort of gossip to talk about in their one class sitting next to each other.

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