-Lee Felix Failing at his First Day as a Love Guru-

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"How many dates are we at?" Chenle questions, Felix shrugging.

"Like... Fifteen or something."

"Wow, I didn't think you'd get this far," Chenle's eyebrows shot up, chuckling as he scribbles into his notebook..

"Yah, Zhong Chenle. What would happen if I pull out from the bet?"

"Nothing. You won't get the two million won and probably wasted a month of your life dating Changbin. But hey, at least you two are friends now, right?" Chenle smiled, turning to the Australian.

"Yeah... I guess," Felix sighs.

"What's wrong now? You guys break up?"

"We're not even a thing yet. I'm just- thinking."

"Thinking about what? Maybe I can help you hyung!"

"Eh, I don't think you can help me. Especially when you hate Changbin's guts and all."

"I do? I never said that!"

"Then why do you want me to break his heart at the end?"

"I mean you could. Mostly an idea though. I just said college was just getting a little boring, a little more gossip, rumors, and heartbreak could lighten up the place here and there. But I ain't forcing ya dude."

"What about the person who wants to get back at Changbin?"

"Huh, I guess he is a problem... Well I don't know. If we both back out of that deal who knows what'll happen," Chenle laughs. "But I'm sure it'll all be fine, hyung. I mean, if Changbin falls in love with you then..."

There was a pause, the two students staring at each other. Chenle stops laughing, eyebrows shooting up and disappearing into his bright hair.

"Wait, you're kidding right?" Chenle questions, a low murmur in his throat, the older shaking his head. "Oh, my God! I can't- Wow- Dude!"

"Zhong Chenle! Be quiet or else I will have you out of here!" Professor Kim Namjoon shouts, Chenle bowing slightly as he returns to Felix, mouthing an "Oh my God!"

"How d'you do that?" Chenle whispers, leaning closer.

"I don't know?" Felix shrugs. "One day he just kissed me."

"Sheesh- well you like him back?" Chenle leans on his hand, facing Felix.

"I told you Zhong Chenle. I'm Catholic and straight. I ain't going to date him."

"I mean, it'll make getting that two million a whole of a lot easier." Chenle sighs. "But your choice. Either way, he'll find out soon enough. And that's that." 

The bell rings, everyone shooting up and scrambling for their things. Felix was the first one out, met by Changbin who was already waiting outside, hand in his pocket.

Felix's heart began to pound, his chest tightening and breath hitching in his throat as he catches sight of the older man.

"I- What are you doing here?" Felix notices his classmates glancing at him. He wouldn't blame them either. Seo Changbin here? Meeting up with someone? That someone being nobody Felix. He guessed they satisfied their rumors. Yes, Felix and Changbin were going on dates.

"What does it look like? Seeing you. C'mon," Changbin hummed, he takes Felix's hand in his, the younger choking on his breath as Changbin drags him away. Felix swears he hears the whispers of new rumors starting around him, Chenle gasping out an "Oh my God! It's true-" somewhere behind him. Can he really be any more obvious???

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