-Lee Felix Caught Red-Handed-

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Felix woke to a splitting headache and a stomachache.

He shoots to his feet, bolting into the bathroom and retching over into the toilet bowl.

"Aw, fuck," Felix groaned, his hand slipping from the flush handle, his head lolling to the side and resting against his shoulder as he awaits his next awful round already rising from his throat.

"I told you to not drink so much. Now you face the consequences." The young Australian jumps at the hum, whipping to his right to see Changbin, brushing his teeth and humming.

"I don't remember that," Felix groaned, throwing up the Halloween aftermath into the bowl, a real scare.

"If you can't hold your liquor, why did you drink so much?" Changbin sighs, drying his hair with a towel. "Hurry up, get ready, we're leaving in ten or we'll be late."

"You're making me go to school? Are you sure you have a heart under there?" Felix whined, flushing the toilet, sitting on the bathroom floor.

"Yah! I'm the one who brought you back with me after Chan dropped you off at your apartment!" Changbin hisses, throwing a towel at Felix. "C'mon shower, get dressed, I'll get your headache medicine when we go out." Changbin peeks into the bathroom, looking at Felix. "Also, go lose some weight. You're heavy as hell."

Felix throws the towel at the door, Changbin dodging.

"Leave me at home! I don't care!" Felix shouted back, almost regretting the action as a blunt force of a headache stabs his head.

"I'll call the cops for breaking and entering- hurry the fuck up!" Changbin throws Felix fresh pairs of clothes as he passes the bathroom door, sighing. "I made us hangover soup- you, more of, cause I feel fine."

"Fuck you!" Felix hisses, Changbin cackling as he goes out to the living room.

Felix groans, head pounding as he picks himself off the floor, crawling into the shower. If he falls and gets a concussion, he'll sue Changbin.

Grudgingly. Felix stands- sits under the water, shampooing his hair and washing his body, all the while his throat sore and body heavy and head feeling like a whole ass spear was just thrown into it.

"Lix, I know you're not dead! I can hear your whining from the kitchen!" Changbin shouts from behind the door, his fist pounding on the door matching with Felix's head. "If you don't hurry up, I'll come in there and shower you myself!"

"Bet!" Felix scowls- reddening as he shot up, immediately regretting it later when a painful arrow pierces through his head. "No wait! I was kidding! Don't enter!"

"That's what I thought bitch!" 


"Everyone good?" Chan questions, glancing around the group lying around on the grass, Jeongin and Changbin piping in with agreements while the rest of the group groans. "Why are you all here if you're all hungover?"

"Changbin forced me-" Felix scowled at the older, Changbin sneering back.

"Changbin?" Chan asks. "What do you mean Changbin?"

"I mean-"

"It's cause I didn't want him to skip his Korean lesson," Changbin crouches to hit the younger's head.


"I can't skip another class of Min's," Jisung sighed, his head on Hyunjin's thigh. "Even if I say I was sick or hungover, he's going to fucking kick me out if my grade goes any lower than a C-. And he's got witnesses too."

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