-Lee Felix, Shooting Seo Changbin Through the Heart-

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"This is the most excited I've seen you," Woojin huffs as he passes with a basket full of laundry by Felix's room, peeking past the opened door to Felix bouncing from one side of the room to the other. Felix chucks some dirty clothes into the basket before Woojin left for the living room.

"I'm going on a date, hyung!" Felix yelled from his room, hearing plates clatter and the sink go off.

"Really? With who?"

"Seo Changbin!" Felix almost giggled from his name. A name he's treated as Voldemort, the name that shouldn't be spoken, now seemed like a hymn to him, jumping about and thrumming through his heart. But goddamn it! Felix was ready to risk it all for the guy.

"Seriously?!" Woojin sounded as if he just dropped a plate in the sink, the dish clattering against the metal and other tableware. "You guys are getting together again?"

"I hope!" Felix groans out, crouching in front of the mirror. He was about to cover his freckles with foundation, however, deciding against it, as Changbin quite liked his freckles. During many occasions, Changbin would complain about Felix taking the time to cover and waste money on foundation. Felix would always feel embarrassed at whatever Changbin had to say and flip him off.

However today, he dusts a thin powder over his face, chucking his stuff into his bag.

"Jesus Christ Jikseu! It's a date!" Woojin laughs out, leaning against the doorframe. "Calm down-"

"But it's a matter of life and death kinda date!" Felix sprits a mist of cologne, walking through it. "How do I look?"

Woojin bubbles, nodding. "Like Felix too excited for a simple date."

"Aish- that's how Changbin always liked me anyway-" Felix huffs, Woojin scooting out of the way before Felix could trample over him. "Hyung, do you think it'll go well?"

"Well, it depends if both of you put in the effort," Woojin shrugs, fixing Felix's hair and placing his hands on the younger's shoulders. "Just have fun, Jikseu. You two are both young, don't overthink everything okay?" He smiles wide and reassures Felix before sitting on the couch. "If it works, you have my blessing to get married."

Felix bubbles, checking for his keys and phone. "Bye hyung!"

"And don't get home too late! I get nervous when I hear the door open late at night," Woojin calls out, Felix nodding and yelling out an agreement before he opens a door. He was met with a disgruntled Changbin, his eyes widening and a dust of pink settling across his face.

"Ah, Felix- Uh- I know you said to meet at the arcade but uh- I just wanted to walk you there instead-" Felix smiles small, bubbling at how Changbin seemed to drop all cockiness, pulling at his fingers. It might've been the first time he's seen the older so vulnerable- it made a dumb, stupid smile spread on Felix's face.

"Hey, Changbin!" Woojin leaned to the side from the couch, raising a hand in a half-wave.

"Hi Hyung," Changbin bowed slightly, laughing awkwardly like a prom date meeting their partner's dad at the doorstep. He jumped as Felix hooked his hand around his arm, shutting the door behind them and heading out the apartment.

"What are we actually doing?" Changbin questions once they out the apartment's proximity.

"You see, I realized that- since you're second to me in video games, I wondered if you could run up to first in real life," Felix explained, gesturing to the shorter man beside him.

"if you take me paint balling, I will kick your ass," Changbin hisses, crossing his arms.

"No, not exactly. something more kid-friendly. Laser tag!" Felix jumped excitedly, like a kid, which brought Changbin to spit out a laugh, Felix feeling his face get warm.

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