Chapter. 15 - Sparks to Flames

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Remnant - Vale
Beacon Academy - Dormitories
Team RWBY Dorm Room
Light - 80
Pov - YN-3

I'm laying on Blake's bed, as she cuddles with me in her sleep. But I'm wide awake, I don't need sleep, I could If I wanted to but I don't do it. I spend my night hours meditating. but this time, I'm deep in thought.

How did that Rogue Guardian get here? Why are they here? Why are they after me? So many questions..

I lose myself in my thoughts again, but I'm pulled out as my Ghost materializes.

Ghost: "Guardian! I'm getting Light readings from the forest!"

YN: "well I mean, yeah, of course, the White Rock is there" I don't move from my laying down position, to avoid waking Blake.

Ghost: "no I mean it's radiating a lot more Light!" I sit up.

YN: "how much Light?" Blake stirs.

Ghost: "a LOT, it's like it's trying to call us!"

Blake: "mm.. what's going on?" She groggily sits up.

I don't say anything, I just jump off the bed, landing with a somewhat loud thud, the cause being metal feet. Causing everyone else to slowly wake up.

Blake: "where are you going YN?"

YN: "I need to check something, go back to sleep" I grab my boots near the door and put them on, doing the two straps on each boot.

Blake: "no, I'm coming with you" she gets up from her bed.

YN: "fine, just be quick" I grab my gloves and slip them on.

Ruby: "what's going on? Where are you two going?" She's sitting on the edge of her bunk, dangling her feet.

Blake: "YN apparently needs to go check on something, I'm going with him"

Weiss: "then I'm coming too"

Ruby: "me too!"

YN: "I'm guessing Yang is coming too, just hurry" I go over to the desk where I put my weapons, I start doing an ammo check and checking nothing's broken. Future Imperfect needs to be sharpened, I can fix that later.

I finish my ammo check and holster my sidearm. I turn around to see my team with their combat clothes on and weapons at the ready.

YN: "all good?" I get a nod. "Then let's go"


Emerald Forest - Dark
Pov - YN-3

We're walking through the Dark Forest, with me up front. Ruby's acting jumpy, Weiss and Blake are trying to keep their composure, and Yang is scared but ready to punch whatever jumps at us.

I stop right before I reach the Darkness Zone.

Blake: "why are we stopping?"

Ruby: "are we turning back? I'd love to turn back and get under my covers!"

YN: "no. Just getting ready" I take a deep breath and walk forward.

The moment I take the step, I immediately feel weighed down. The edges of my vision fade black and whispers fill my head, which fade out after about a second. Returning my vision to normal. I continue walking forward.

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