Vol. 3 Chapter. 30 - Lessons Learned

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Picking up right where we left off. Four combatants can be seen in the roaring Colosseum. Two on one side, and two on the other.

The environment roulette starts spinning.
Port: "Emerald and Mercury of Haven! Versus! Coco and Yatsuhashi of Beacon!" Port announces over the speakers.

Velvet: "good luck you two!" She shouts out, sitting next to her teammate, Fox Alistair and Ruby.
The environments are picked as a savanna like section rises from the ground. Along with some ruins, a forest, and hotsprings.

Coco: "hey.." she lowers her sunglasses. "Love the outfit, kid" she compliments.
Emerald: "I'll try not to get blood on it"

Yatsuhashi gets up from his sitting position, pulling out his giant sword.
Yatsuhashi: "I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch."
Emerald: "I won't be the one bleeding"
Coco: "oh, I like her!"

Port: "three, two, one, begin!" Port announces.
Emerald and Mercury back up into the tall grass of the savanna sector.
The two CFVY members smile at each other. Coco shifts her handbag into its Minigun form and opens fire into the grass.

The Minigun mows through the tall grass of the plains. The shots being fired at the crowd, to which the shielding around the battlefield protects them.
Coco let's up after realizing that they're not in the plains anymore.
Coco: "huh?"

Blake: "look out!" She shouts as the rest of RWBY look on in shock, minus the forever emotion less face of YN.

Mercury drops out of the sky, heading straight for Coco. Yatsuhashi pushes her out of the way and blocks the boots of Mercury with his sword, pushing him back. Coco opens fire on him, he runs to avoid the bullets.

In the stands.
Sun: "he's good!"
Scarlet: "yeah, but where's the girl?"

Back on the battlefield.
Mercury reaches the two and kicks away Coco's mingun while dodging a swing from Yatsuhashi, kicking him twice and dodging a barrage of bullets from Coco.

Jumping off her Minigun with a kick to her face and dodging another slash from Yatsuhashi, who punches him, sending him over Coco, landing behind her. He forces the barrel of the gun on to Yatsuhashi.

Coco switches the Minigun to it's handbag form and swings back, dodging it, he sends two shots from the boots towards CFVY, who both deflect it.

Coco looks back to see that there are now dozens of the shots surrounding him. Sending all of it towards CFVY, it kicks up a lot of smoke.

Mercury is suddenly behind them. Grabbing them, he delivers a flurry of kicks that knocks them back.

A chain suddenly wraps around Coco. Pulling her into the forest.
Yatsuhashi: "Coco!" He yells out.

Mercury uses the distraction to deliver a kick the sends him to his knees. He turns back to Mercury and grabs him and throws him into the hotsprings.

Jumping into the air for an overhead swing, which Mercury blocks with his boots. The force creating a shockwave, the earth cracks underneath them, and multiple geysers to form around them.

Breaking out of the hold. He kicks at Yatsuhashi's feet, which misses. And starts dodging his sword swings. One of his kicks hit the ground, causes some rocks to shoot up. Which Mercury kicks towards him and blocking another swing.

Continuing to block and dodge, he eventually lands a hit that sends Yatsuhashi onto the ground, his head right on top of a geyser. It erupts and caused him to become disoriented.
Shaking it off he suddenly gets a kick to the face.

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