Vol. 3 Chapter. 28 - New Challengers

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This chapter is 90% combat scene.
But I am the author of the Combat Scenarios. So who am I to complain?


Picking up right where we left off. Port begins his countdown.
The crowd roars as the giant Holo screen in the stadium counts down.
Port: "Three.. two.. one.."
Jaune raises his sword.
Jaune: "come on guys!"

Port: "Begin!" Port finishes his countdown as both teams charge at each other. Minus one member on Team BRNZ, May Zedong, she turns around and runs towards the trees

The leader, Brawnz Ni, charges at Pyrrha and knees her shield, making her skid back a little and blocks the claws on his fist with her sword.
Pyrrha breaks from the lock and slashes at him which he dodges.

May can be seen using her sniper rifle to get up top a tree branch.

Ren readies his weapons to attack a member of Team BRNZ, Nolan Porfirio, who almost gets hit by Nora's hammer and attempts to hit her with an interesting choice of weapon, a cattle prod.

Meanwhile, May finally takes aim with her sniper from her position, shooting two shots that miss Ren, but destroying the rocks behind him.

Jaune manages to block an attack from another combatant, Roy Stallion. A bullet whizzes past him, making him look to the trees for the source.

He notices a glint and spots May in the trees.
Jaune: "Retreat!" He orders. JNPR does so, with both Jaune and Pyrrha protecting them from sniper fire.

Pyrrha: "what do we do?" She asks from their position behind some rocks, as bullets fly over them.

The rest of BRNZ charge their position.
Jaune: "Spread out! Try to keep moving!" He orders as he blocks an attack from Brawnz with his shield.

May moves positions, getting up higher as she aims down the scope of her rifle.
Pyrrha and Brawnz continue their fight while Nolan slowly approaches Ren.
Nolan stops and looks back, nodding to May.

Shots land near Ren as he dodges them, not seeing the cattle prod heading towards him.
Ren tries to retaliate with a kick missing and getting hit on the leg with Nolan's weapon.

Nolan jabs Ren with the prod, electrocuting him. He falls backwards, landing next to Nora.
Nora: "Ren!"

With a scowl on her face, she swings her hammer at Nolan, which he dodges and jabs at her with the prod.
Not effecting her, instead absorbing the electricity with her semblance.

Port: "oho, Looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie, is charging up to use her semblance!" Port speaks from the Holo screen in the arena.
Nolan: "what?"

Oobleck: "yes, Miss Valkyrie's semblance let's her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles. This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying" Oobleck finishes.
Nolan: "What!?" He looks back with a panicked look.

In the stands.
YN: "now would she be able to absorb Arc energy? She's not a Light-bearer but it is still close to electricity" he asks himself, then witnesses Nora destroy Nolan by sending him into a rock, destroying it with Nora's charged strength.

YN: "yeah, I'd rather not find out" he shudders at the thought of Nora being charged by Arc Light.

Jaune notices a small thunder storm on top of the nearby mountain.
Jaune: "Nora! Get to the mountain!" He orders.
Nora: "you got it!" She does a salute and rushes off.

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