Vol. 3 Chapter. 31 - Never Miss a Beat

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I've celebrated the Past, and I'm preparing for the Future.
But it's time to take a break and enjoy the Present.
Happy Solstice, Guardians!

You know what's annoying? Having to listen to that damn trumpet while writing this.


In the Arena of the Mountain Biome, explosions can be seen happening.
Russel with daggers in his hands, jumps over a rock and turning around, readying his weapons.

In the center of the arena, a familiar ginger can be seen and her beret-wearing teammate.
With a smile on her face, she summons six swords, putting them in a circle like a saw-like object and throws it towards Russel.

The circle breaks apart and the swords shoot towards the rock that Russel ducked behind.
Penny throws another set of swords that shoot towards Sky, ducking behind a rock to dodge them.

With a grin on her face, she looks at her team who simply taps her watch, telling her to hurry up.
Using the strings attached to the sword, she lifts up the rocks and slams them into the ground, Eliminating CRDL.
Oobleck: "and victory goes to Penny and Ciel of Atlas" Oobleck announces.

Putting her fist in her palm and bowing.
Penny: "thank you for a wonderful time" Penny says as a rock lands on Russel's head.

In the stands.
Ruby gets up from her seat to go congratulate the winning team.
Along with YN who also gets up to make sure she doesn't get into trouble.


Turning the corner, Ruby calls out to them.
Ruby: "Penny!"
Ruby: "Ruby!" She notices me standing next to her, startled at the fact that I have my helmet off before remembering. "YN!" She tackles Ruby to the ground.
YN: "woah, you alright there?"
Ruby: "why.." she says groaning weakly.

Getting up quickly she introduces us to her teammate.
Penny: "Ruby, YN, This is my teammate"

Ciel: "Ciel Soleil" she introduces herself.

Ruby waves
Ruby: "hi! I'm Ru-"
Ciel suddenly cuts her off.
Ciel: "Ruby Rose, 15, hails from Patch. Leader of Team RWBY. Status: Questionable"

YN: "sorta rude to cut someone off like that" then I do the Warlock Bow "but I'm YN-" she interrupts me mid bow.

Ciel: "YN LN, Real Name, YN-3, Unknown but calls himself 17, comes from somewhere on Remnant, Fifth Member of Team RWBY. Status: All Supers Ready"

And Lo and behold, all three of my Supers are ready.
YN: "wait, how did you know that?" She ignores me.
Wow, she's either done her research or she's more robot than me.. wait hold on, one of those is wrong.

YN: "Hey, Ciel was it? You may have gotten something wrong. I'm actually not from Remnant" she looks at me shocked for a second. Then whips out her scroll and starts going through it frantically while repeating 'I couldn't have gotten that wrong' to herself.
YN: "oops, I may have broken her".

Ruby looks at me strangely, then turns to Penny.

Ruby: "Soo.. Penny! You two were great out there! How do you keep control of all those swords?! It's so cool-"

Ciel stops looking at her scroll for a second to look at us.
Ciel: "Penny! I believe it is best if we move on to our next location" she says then starts tapping her watch.
Penny: "Could we have a minute to talk?" Ciel steps away to continue searching through her scroll.

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