Vol. 3 Chapter. 29 - It's Brawl in the Family

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Sub Title: Secrets Revealed

The fight between Qrow and Winter is moving too fast for me to write down whatever it is they're doing. And the Wiki's transcript is not helping either. So I'm gonna cut some (or alot of) corners with the fight. It's not the highlight of the chapter anyway.


I'm running next to Ruby, chasing Weiss who suddenly sprinted out the Colosseum.
Ruby: "Weiss, what is the big deal? Who is it? Who is she?" She finishes as we finally stop running.

Weiss: "Winter!" We all look at the ship that just landed. With someone who looks like an older version of Weiss.

She's got authority written all over her.

Ruby: "wait.. your sister?" She asks.
Weiss cups her mouth.
Weiss: "Winter!" She calls out. Making her turn to us.

We all run up to the ship.
Weiss: "Winter! I'm so happy to see you!" She excitedly says.
"Oh" she curtsies "your presence honors us"

Oh we're doing that huh? Alright.
I think as I put my hands behind my back and do a little bow.
May as well make a good first impression.

Winter steps closer with her hands behind her back, looking at the area around her.
Winter: "Beacon, it's been a long time. The air feels.. different" she looks at me curious for a second.
Forgot I'm not wearing my helmet. Oh well.

Ruby: "I mean it is Fall so it's probably colder.."
I give Ruby a light smack on the head, light enough so I don't accidentally concuss her with my metallic hand, the glove I'm wearing padding the impact. While Weiss straight up punches her.

YN: "you didn't have to go that hard on poor Ruby.." I say converting a grenade. It changes from orange to white, I use the new healing orb to nurse Ruby's shoulder. She glows for a second before it fades away.

Weiss: "so, what are you doing here?"
Winter: "classified"
Weiss: "oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?"
Winter: "classified"
Weiss: "of course"

Ruby, who's now recovered. Puts her hands behind her back.
Ruby: "well, this is nice.. I think"
YN: "even I'm feeling awkward, she's as stern as Ikora.." I whisper.
Ruby: "who?" She whispers to me.
YN: "doesn't matter" I whisper back.

Weiss: "you're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it? I-"
Winter: "I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its.. bureaucracy. That is not why I came"

Weiss: "right! I'm sorry"
Winter: "nor did I come watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears I have no choice in the matter"
Excuse me?
Weiss: "but we won"
Winter: "only a novice would count that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed"

YN: "any type of victory is a victory in the crucible" I whisper to myself.
Winter: "what was that, bot?"
Well, screw you too, Ice Queen!
YN: "not.. important.." I say slightly angered.

Winter: "leave us" she orders the bots around her. The bots behind her take a few steps back.
Winter: "sigh how have you been?"
Weiss: "oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class. The rest of my studies are going wonderfully too. I'm-" Weiss gets a hit on the head.

Winter: "silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about you're ranking. I asked how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?"

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