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~Colbys POV~

As soon as I saw Sam against the locker, my heart snaked to the bottom. I rushed over and picked him him up, we're now in the car on our way to sams house. I looked down to see him asleep in my arms, I sighed and pushes his blonde locks from his eyes. Suddenly my phone went off and then again and again. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to see text messages from sandy.

C: Colby S: Sandy

S: please colbs it wasn't what it looked like I swear!

S: please colby it wasn't me I promise you

S: colby please say something

C: oh I'm I'm going to say something, you hurt the most sweetest boy I have ever met and ur jealous ass got mad about me hanging out with him so you decided to do this to him. I'm done with you sandy

S: please no colby!

~Colbear❤️ has blocked you~

I threw my phone in the seat next to me clearly done with the bullshit. "We're here colby.." Tara said unbuckling her seat belt. I unbuckled myself and got out of the car and carried Sam inside. "Where's his room?" I said looking at the two girls, "upstairs on the left" kat said point upstairs. I nodded and ran upstairs. I opened the door to see a cute little girly pink room. I just smiled and laid Sam on his bed, I looked at the back of his shirt to see blood stains. I sighed and pulled off his shirt and looked at his scratched up back. I got up and walked to his bathroom and got out some bandage and some medicine to help it.

I walked back over and placed the medicine on the scratches and then I wrapped up his back and put the stuff away, I looked through his closet to see nothing black so I decided to take off my shirt and placed it on him. He was actually very cute in my shirt, I smiled and sat on his bed. I turned on his tv and just watched random stuff, suddenly I felt weight on my chest. I furrowed my brows and looked down. I smiled once I saw Sam snuggling on my chest, "c-colby..". I smiled and looked at his red face, "hey bubs you okay?" I said pausing the show. "Y-yea but why am I in you shirt.." he looked up at me with his beautiful crystal blue eyes

"Well your white shirt has blood stains in them which I can take them out, but I noticed you didn't have any black shirts to hide the red marks so I let you wear mine" I smiled. "T-thank you but.." he sighed and looked down. "Sammy what's wrong" I said lifting his chin up to make him look up at me. "I made you and sandy break up.. I mean you were in a perfect healthy relationship and I ruined it by coming into you life.. I'm such a screw up.." he sighed. "Sammy! Never say that about your self! Your not no screw up and you were the most happiest thing that has come into my life.. and you didn't ruin my relationship I was going to break up with her anyways Sammy.." I said. All he did was hug me, I hugged back tightly but not to hard were I can hurt his scratched up back.

"Colby?" I heard reggies voice downstairs, "hold on ik be right back okay?" He nodded and laid on his side trying to get comfortable. I walked downstairs to see Jake and Reggie and the other boys back, "hey is Sam okay?" Shea said. "Yea I bandage up with scratches on his back so it should heal quickly" I said. "Anyways sandy has detention for a whole month" Reggie said. "Okay but wait were was griffin and Brennen and Alex and Corey?" I said seeing them walk in. "Sorry we had to go tell our teacher that we all had to leave earlier" Corey said.

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