Chapter 8

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Hecate's eyes opened to the familiar ceiling, and a weight on her chest. She went to look, but that weight took a deep breath and her body froze. The familiar scent of saltwater was still around her, and the person currently laying on her had the same scent.

She knew if she looked she was going to see scales, or something else that she wasn't supposed to, so she tilted her head back up where she was looking at the ceiling and closed her eyes. She gave a gentle squeeze to the person laying on her, and felt the small spines poke into her arms. Not enough to hurt her, or break skin, but enough to realize she was definitely not in a human form at the moment.

She could not see light from a window, so Hecate had no idea what time it was or how long they had been asleep for. So she didn't know if she should have woke the mermaid currently sleeping on top of her. They could have just dozed off, then she'd be waking her for nothing.

She took a deep breath herself, and attempted to go back to sleep. It must have been a few moments later when a jump startled her back to full consciousness as the shape above her moved a bit. She shifted slightly, before freezing like she realized if she moved she'd wake the person she was sleeping on and end up getting spotted.

"I didn't look." Hecate muttered, still a little groggy from almost falling back to sleep. "And I won't. Let me know when you're ready."

"Um... Give me a moment." Calypso answered. The body on top of her shifted again, before she heard another sound and a felt a low vibration. It sounded like someone quickly flipping through a deck of cards. Like a thousand small flat things had been quickly flipped over in rapid succession. However that low vibration turned into an audible growl. "I... can't change back."

"Are you okay?"

"My scales- my skin is dry. I was going for a swim when you showed up, so I never had the chance to wet them- it!" Calypso grumbled.

This time it was Hecate's turn to laugh. Their roles had been reversed for the moment, and honestly the hybrid thought it was funny. "I won't look. You can get up."


"I can't lie, remember? If I said I won't look, then I won't look. Promise."

Calypso moved to get up, almost carefully like the was trying to keep track of what parts of her body touched Hecate's body. However, there was a moment of pause after the weight above her was removed. She heard the gentle sound of bare feet touch the floor but then nothing. Then she felt a soft, barely there chill above her face, like something cold was about to touch her brow. She tried her best not to react to it, out of her own curiosity. However that sensation disappeared, and the sound of flat bare feet hitting the floor made it's way into the bedroom.

Hecate listened, waiting for the splash of water, and was eventually satisfied when she heard the sound of a large shape plunging into the water of the woman's bedroom. Hecate picked herself up and stretched, her back cracking pleasantly a few times before she checked her phone to see the time. She then gently knocked on the stone door and opened it a crack, keeping her face away but wanting to hear Calypso's answer.

"Do you want a midnight snack? Or...?"

There was another splash, followed by what could only have been the hatch hitting the glass with a metallic THUNK. "Uh... What did you have in mind?"

"I dunno. I feel bad just spending the night at your house two days in a row... I don't really want to go home in fear my sister will mug me with questions, but I also don't want to keep bothering you."

Calypso's musical laugh was her answer before more splashing sounds. "You do know there's an empty room right across the living area? You could sleep in a bed."

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