Chapter 20

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Calypso had passed out on the couch, leaned back like she tilted her head back for a second to rest her eyes and passed out instead. They had been watching movies together for the last few hours, waiting for Reza to come home.

Instead, the mermaid had fallen asleep. Hecate only noticed when she felt the mermaid's tail touch her and when she looked over the woman was in her true form. She sent Reza a text warning her before she carefully stood up and started cleaning up. Picking up the empty popcorn bowl and their cups before bringing them to the kitchen

She pushed opened her bedroom door before heading back over to the couch and lifting Calypso, careful to scoop her tail up under her legs and not drag too much of it on the floor. Unfortunately her tail was very long, and even bent under her legs the tip of the tail still dragged along the ground. So instead Hecate just focused on not tripping over it as they walked.

"You could have just woke me..." Calypso muttered.

"You're cuter asleep." Hecate answered with a smile as Calypso's tail moved and folded over her body as she was carried, resting on her stomach.

"I never thought I'd enjoy being carried so much. But your heartbeat against my ear is actually kinda nice." Calypso noted, her eyes still closed and her voice sounding exhausted.

"Maybe you secretly enjoy being treated like a princess?"

"Oh, certainly."

"Do you want a bath first? I can take you home if you want to sleep in your own room?"

"A bath before bed would be useful... do you have your ring?"

"I still have it yes. But I wasn't going to join you."

"No. But I didn't want my wet hair to electrocute you." Calypso answered.

Hecate chuckled and headed towards her bathroom, gently nudging the door opened with her foot. She then set Calypso down and the mermaid sat on the edge of the tub as she turned it on to get the warm water.

"I'll grab you some clothes." Hecate noted as she started turning away.

"Will you join me?"

"No offence, but these tubs are not really designed for two people." Hecate smirked. "Especially not two people and a big beautiful mermaid tail. Also I hate water."

"You seemed to enjoy yourself in my room."

"I enjoyed you." Hecate answered.

"Can you at least stay in here with me? I promise not to splash you."

Hecate rolled her eyes and left the room, returning with a change of clothes for Calypso. "Sweatpants and a T-shirt? Both are like, extra baggy. Don't want to contstrict fins and frills."

"Ah, your sentiment is appreciated." Calypso answered before removing her t-shirt and pants, leaving herself in what Hecate quickly realized was literally a bathing suit.

"Do you wear actual undergarments or are you always wearing a bathing suit?"

"They work exactly the same. Specially designed for mermaids to be able to get wet and not fall apart."

"How does the bra stay on when you get your frill up your spine?"

"Magnets." Calypso answered.

"Time out. You have a bra that connects on the back with magnets? How does it stay on all day? And then your frill just splits it and it connects through your frill?"

"Yep. The membrane between the frill is thin enough that they still connect."

"How does it stay though? Cuz I have normal bras that as soon as I flex to kick a soccer ball that fucker comes undone." Hecate narrowed her eyes.

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