Chapter 27

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Calypso had practically melted into the sheets. She had never been so happy to have someone else in her life before. But even as she was finally left alone as Hecate got dressed and kissed her goodbye so she could go get ready to meet up with her team she was still so giddy with excitement.

Still laying in her bed and still completely naked, she stared up at the ceiling with a grin plastered on her face like it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. She was the happiest she had been in so long she didn't think herself capable of calming down.

She was snapped back into reality when her phone buzzed getting her to finally roll over to grab it off the nightstand. The caller ID read as one of her teammates on the swim team.

"Good morning Amara." Calypso smiled.

"Good morn- Oh... You had fun last night."

"Excuse me?"

"Coralia said she saw you leaving the campus with the same girl who was watching you swim the other day. We figured you finally came out of your shell."

"Are you planning on asking me anything unrelated to her or am I going to have to hang up the phone?"

"In all seriousness I wanted to check in on you and make sure you were okay." Amara confessed. "It can be hard to find someone you care about when they can't see you for what you are or don't get you the way you want to."

Calypso found herself rolling onto her back to stare up at the ceiling. "Amara, I've never felt more seen in my entire life. It's mind blowing."

"We saw the marks. We know we can't possibly know." Amara chuckled. "You've seemed to much happier the last few days and we were all just worried."

"Worried about me being happy?"

"Worried your heart might get broken. I just want you to be careful okay?"

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

"No. I think she seems really nice. Plus anyone that can make you grin ear to ear like that deserves a chance at the very least. I just meant that it can be hard for mermaids and sirens to find a person that really fits us. Especially one that has difficulty with water."

"I've never known you to be racist Amara." Calypso teased getting the other mermaid to laugh.

"You know what I mean. I don't see her as bad or anything I just don't want you guys to struggle to be intimate."

"Intimacy is definitely not the problem."

"Oh? For real? Do tell."

"I dunno. You're mighty convincing at getting me to think about my priorities. I wouldn't want her to get in the way of winning my games or -"

"Bitch if she makes you happy you should quit the team to give her all your attention."

"Excuse me? You want me to quit?"

"If she makes you happy enough that you feel like you're not spending enough time with her then fuck yes. You deserve nothing but the absolute best."

Calypso smiled. "She helped me muster up the courage to talk to Akeno. My curse is broken. I can sing again Amara."

"Wait for real?! Holy fuck that's amazing! I'm so happy for you! You can come with us to the Song this weekend and-"

"Amara, I just got my voice back. I don't know if I'm ready to go back to acting like I'm a perfect mermaid again. I would love to sing with my own kind again but at the same time it's been so long." Calypso explained. "I just want to enjoy things as they are now and count my blessings if that's alright."

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