Chapter 28

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Calypso was sitting on the edge of her seat for almost the entire game. Hecate's family was jumping to their feet and shouting along with the rest of the crowd like if they yelled loud enough Willow Creek would play better, which might have been true.

Devin and Nyx whom Calypso thought would be quiet were almost leaned over the railing at one point as Hecate dribbled the ball almost the entire length of the field, bobbing and weaving between the enemy team before kicking the ball between a players legs where it careened into the goal, barely slipping past the goalie's fingertips.

Not ten minutes later, Hecate and Vanessa were making their way across the field again, with Hecate having switched to be more defensive and keeping anyone else from getting close enough to take the ball from Vanessa, allowing the other woman to score a goal getting the two of them to chest bump before sprinting back towards the other side of the field.

Calypso's eyes could never leave Hecate's form. So much so that she saw as Hecate shouldered into another woman on the enemy team causing them both to fall. Hecate got back to her feet quickly but ignored the ball being sent past her to make sure the other girl was alright, even pulling to her feet. They shook hands then sprinted back towards the ball.

Calypso couldn't help but smile, realizing that the angel-turned-vampire didn't have a mean bone in her body. Even if she was definitely glaring at everyone on the field.

Even though Willow Creek won, they didn't actually win by too much. Only by three points. Of course Hecate scored three goals, and was lifted into the air by her team to celebrate as her family screamed and cheered from the bleachers.

Calypso couldn't help but laugh as Hecate's family were praising her even though there was no way the woman could hear her from so far away. But they were very clearly so proud of her, and for Calypso it made her heart flutter. The idea that Hecate's adoptive family loved her so much they would stand up and scream it to the heavens where everyone around them could hear it made her know for certain the girl was loved.

"When is she going to be able to get away from her team?" Calypso found herself asking as she looked towards Reza who chuckled.

"It can take a few hours. They usually have a team huddle in the locker room, shower, then sometimes go out to celebrate wins with a couple drinks. Hecate doesn't always go to them, especially if they're celebrating her." Reza explained.

"She doesn't like to be celebrated?" Calypso asked.

"Why would she want to celebrate with her friends, only to come home and celebrate some more?" Eris answered.

"You guys get together after her games?"

"Only for a bit." Devin answered. "She's usually really tired after her games since she plays so hard. She'd probably much rather just go to bed. Are you going to be joining us?"

"If you don't mind my company I'd love to go."

"Of course you're welcome." Devin rolled her eyes. "We wait for most of the people to leave before we head out."

"People tend to step on Nuada." Nyx answered, pointing towards the dog beneath her chair.

"I had wondered why you had a dog." Calypso noted.

"I was blind for a while." Nyx shrugged. "Thankfully I heal pretty well so I was able to get my sight back. I trained him to be a seeing eye dog and for PTSD."

"You trained him?"

"I got him trained." Nyx shrugged. "So he's a good guide dog and can also help if someone has anxiety and stuff. He's better with the guiding, but gives hugs if you start fidgeting too much."

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