Chapter 23

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"Do you want anything to eat- well... I guess you don't have to eat anything..." Calypso sighed. "Stupid question."

Hecate chuckled. "No, but I understand the thought though. It's getting late, you should probably eat."

"It's rude to eat in front of your guests." Calypso answered.

"I can run to my dorm and grab a smoothie." Hecate shrugged.

"Oh shit! That's right!" Calypso made her way into the kitchen where she opened the fridge and pulled out one of the smoothies before making her way back over to Hecate and handing it to her. "Since you spend so much time here I thought I should get a few of these. I found out I can also request donated blood bags too, but I figured you'd prefer these."

Hecate looked at the glass curiously before smiling up at Calypso. "Thank you for thinking of me. It's really appreciated."

"Anytime! Now I can make dinner." Calypso returned to the kitchen where she started putting together a meal for herself. Hecate picked herself up from the couch and made her way over to the island where she sat on one of the stools and looked down into the top of her glass.

"Is... Is it really noticeable?" Hecate found herself asking.

"You mean the silver?" Calypso asked.


"I mean... Your eyes are usually white around me, so they're not that much different. They look like they have more color than normal, and they glow. But it's not much different from usual. You're better off asking someone who usually sees them as amber."

"They're silver now?"

"Well yeah. You're not thinking about me right now, you're thinking about you." Calypso chuckled. "You have more important things to worry about than me."

"I thought they just changed whenever I looked at you..."

"I think they change based on what you're feeling." Calypso answered. "It's not looking at me as much as it's thinking about me."

"I guess." Hecate stared at the top of her glass, deep in thought.

"Okay. So... what are you doing tomorrow?" Calypso asked.

"Tomorrow?" Hecate raised her head to look at her curiously. "It's Saturday right? I have tomorrow off since we have a game on Sunday. Why?"

"Because you still owe me a theme park date."

Hecate blinked. "N-Now!? I kinda thought we would put that on the back burner for now since-"

"Nope. I went to that stupid Grove and asked Gods for help. You promised me a theme park so you're going to take me to a theme park."

"Are you serious? I've got more important-"

"Don't make me call you a liar."

Hecate groaned and leaned back on the stool as she rolled her eyes. Just before Calypso thought she would fall Hecate leaned forwards again. "Fine. We'll go out tomorrow."

"Perfect. There's a waterpark forty minutes away."

Hecate rolled her eyes. "Of course there is."

"There's roller coasters there too, and I was promised at least one!"

"You can go on as many as you like but-"

"You promised you'd go on one." Calypso retorted. "So you're going on one."

"You're the worst!"

"No. I'm holding you to your promise." Calypso answered. "Don't act like I'm the villain here. You could probably use a distraction with everything going on anyway."

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