Chapter 30

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Hecate couldn't help but watch as Calypso sipped her tea happily before returning to her meal. The vampire was occasionally sipping on her smoothie while watching the mermaid enjoy her steak.

"Are you going to stare at me the whole time? Or make conversation?" Calypso asked before sticking a fork full of meat into her mouth.

"I was just thinking how proud I am that you went with steak instead of fish for this meal. Progress."

Calypso rolled her eyes. "To be fair I was thinking about getting the halibut."

"Progress." Hecate repeated.

"I mean, I don't see you getting a different flavor of smoothie. They had other flavors but you went with basic vanilla."

"I heard vampires have an addiction to vanilla." Hecate explained as she glanced down at her drink. "It will always have the strongest flavor and just taste the best. Also it smells really good too. Not sure what it has to do with blood though."

"Oh? So I should get vanilla perfume is what you're saying?"

"Definitely not. Unless you don't plan on using a lot."

"You don't like perfume?"

"I don't want you to cover your smell." Hecate confessed with a smile. "I think you smell fine just the way you are. You know, when you're not sweaty and gross."

"I don't actually sweat if you recall. I am cold blooded after all."

"Yeah, like the lizard people trying to take over our government."

Calypso chuckled and went for another bite of her steak before returning to the conversation. "I don't think I have much if anything to do with the lizard people, but I'm glad that you're at least trying to remember I'm cold blooded."

"I mean, it's kinda hard to forget. You're like an ice cube when you first get into bed." Hecate shivered.

"I can't make my own body heat. I can't really do anything about that."

"I'll just have to stay hot enough for the both of us."

Calypso pointed her steak knife at the vampire. "I gave that joke to you..."

"You fell for the set up nicely." Hecate confessed with a grin and a shrug.

After finishing up their meal they headed out of the restaurant where Calypso took Hecate by the arm as they walked. It was late in the day, and the city streets were lit by the lamps and signs for the shops around them. The moon was low in the sky having just started it's ascent, but that meant the night was still young and they had quite a bit of time to have a bit more fun before turning in for the night.

"I can't believe it gets dark so early." Calypso answered with a sigh as she looked up at the sky. "It's only six."

"In another month or so it'll be getting dark around four." Hecate noted. "But no worries, it's still early so we have plenty of time if you'd like to do something else."

"It's just weird. I feel like it's so much later in the day." Calypso answered. "Not to mention it's starting to get chilly."

"Well, you're in your track clothes so you should stay warm enough for now, especially if you stay close to me. If you need to though just let me know and we'll step in a shop or head home." Hecate nodded.

"Will do." Calypso agreed.

Hecate paused a moment and glanced over her shoulder towards the street. Cars were driving past them without issue and the people on both sides of the road were going about their day as normal.

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