Chapter 13

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"Can I regret my decision to agree?" Calypso asked.

"No." Hecate answered, dragging the mermaid by the arm. "You said we would go talk to her, so we're going to talk to her."

"Yeah, but you didn't say we were going to her actual place of living..." Calypso grumbled. "I really don't want to invade their privacy!"

"If they don't want to talk they just won't open the door." Hecate rolled her eyes.

"Why are you so strong!" Calypso whined as she tried to free her arm from Hecate's grasp only to fail miserably. Hecate glanced over her shoulder before rolling her eyes as they came up to the large, red, wooden door with a fox face carved into the wood itself.

Calypso stood beside Hecate as she reached forward and knocked on the door before smiling softly at the mermaid. "You act like they're going to skin you alive. Aren't mermaids sometimes considered nature spirits?"

"Didn't we just talk about that? Mermaids are not the fairy tale creatures you tell your kids about. We're the nightmare monsters you warn the sailors about."

"I mean, you haven't eaten anyone yet so you can't be that bad."

"I'm really contemplating it."

"You could only really get a chunk of skin." Hecate waved her off.

"I can actually unhinge my jaw like a snake, making it look more like an angler fish mouth. If I really wanted to."

"Wait... But you looked fine this morning."

"Obviously I was hiding it."

"But you said-"

The door split down the middle and opened slowly with a young lattamer standing behind the door. Hecate knew the fluffy, spotted lattamer as Nebit, Kai's sister, and she smiled warmly at them. Her human appearance accented by fluffy cat ears and a long fluffy tail.

"Good morning!" Nebit bowed her head politely.

"Good morning." Hecate answered, bowing herself and getting Calypso to flinch before copying the motion. "We were wondering if you sister was around. I have a favor to ask her."

"But if she's not it's no problem! I wouldn't want to intrude or anything!"

Hecate narrowed her eyes at Calypso who smiled nervously, where Hecate also noticed the scales growing up the sides of the mermaid's neck. Hecate released her arm to reach over and raise the collar of the woman's shirt where she smiled softly. "Just breathe. You look like a fish out of water."

Calypso's eyes narrowed and she opened her mouth to retort but Hecate just turned back around to face Nebit who was grinning at them. "She's in the field. Come on, I'll take you."

"Wait, inside?" Calypso yelped.

"Yeah. You're more than welcome. Any friend of Hecate is a friend of ours."

"Wait, your friends with them!?" Calypso asked.

"What part of my mom is on the Board of Directors and Kai offered to fix my curse did you miss?"

"I thought you just asked her for help I didn't know you were friends!"

Hecate laughed and took Calypso's hand, pulling her into the grove where Nebit closed the door behind them. Calypso's eyes scanned every inch of the beautiful forest that they were inside as they walked on the dirt path from the doorway that was built into a large tree. The grove was a large clearing between four huge trees, each with it's own tree house atop it. A stream cut through the center with a large area, likely for swimming, before trickling into what could only be a hot spring. There were fences around parts of it, likely to prevent people from falling, and a large bridge that crossed over the stream to connect the area.

Fins, Fangs and Feathers (Lesbian Stories)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora