Chapter 21

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"So that's supposed to be our new headmaster?" Hecate asked, looking to Reza curiously. The two of them were sitting on the side lines watching the famous Royal Succubus absolutely embarrass her friends.

"One of them. I guess she and her girlfriend are going to tag team it." Reza shrugged. "The details haven't been finalized or anything yet, but it's what the Board wants. I mean, besides the fact that Sylvia can kill gods-"

A loud explosion cut them off as said Succubus slammed the fox goddess into the ground hard enough to send up a cloud of dust. A moment later a massive flaming fox was snapping around in the cloud before coughing on the dust she was inhaling.

"- She's also incredibly smart, and can handle running a lot of things."

"Wasn't she like, a Princess?" Hecate raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. Good old Daughter of King Arthur." Reza sighed. "Her dad cut off Melisande's wings."

"Oh, fun."

"Yeah. Watching her put Melisande in her place was fantastic."

"Why don't you fight in the arena as often? I bet you would be fun."

"Why don't you?"

"Because I'm barely a vampire." Hecate scoffed. "I'd love to see Desdemona-"

"Match Set! Sylvia is the winner!" Came the voice of another famous Succubus. One Hecate and Reza recognized as Isirona who usually mediated and controlled the magic of the arena itself. Hecate watched as Sylvia pulled Kai to her feet with a happy grin. Kai did not look as amused though she left shaking Sylvia's hand.

Reza grinned as she stood up and began walking away getting Hecate to blink before watching as the very same Devil she was just speaking about was coming down the lift on Kai's side. She stood up and leaned over the railing in shock before realizing that Reza was heading towards Sylvia's side.

"No way!" Hecate grinned.

"Did I get here in time to see?" Calypso asked as she made her way into Hecate's box seats and stepped up beside her.

"You missed Sylvia and Kai." Hecate answered. "But Desdemona is going to fight Reza."

"Are they fighting over you?" Calypso asked.

"Who would want to fight over you?" Vanessa scoffed as she slid down the railing and into the box.

Hecate glared over her shoulder. "You'd be surprised. I am incredibly likeable."

"So much so you don't have time to call your friends? Bros before hoes you jackass." Vanessa scoffed, nudging Hecate's arm before turning to Calypso. "No offence. I'm sure you're lovely. But there's still a code of honor."

"None taken." Calypso chuckled.

Hecate turned and watched as Reza descended the lift. As she reached the bottom she was in her demonic looking dark plate armor, with her long flowing black cape that almost looked like a robe. The hood was pulled over the helmet and she shook Sylvia's hand politely as she walked past.

"Your sister looks like a fucking Nazgul." Vanessa noted with a grin.

"A what?" Calypso asked.

"You've never seen Lord of The Rings?"


"This is the girl your spending your time with!? Uncultured-"

Hecate couldn't stop herself from growling almost protectively before seemingly realizing what she had done and blinking at Vanessa. However the other vampire's smile just broke out into a Cheshire cat grin.

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