Chapter 19

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Calypso set the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table in front of Hecate as Reza sat in the arm chair with her legs crossed staring directly at Hecate. The mermaid then slowly sank into the couch beside Hecate, watching as Reza's expression was filled with nothing but contemplation.

"Are you mad?" Hecate asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Mad?" Reza asked. "About what?"

"Me being an Angel?"

"Normally I'd say you're lying but you literally can't lie." Reza grumbled. "My baby sister's an angel... "

Calypso blinked before looking back at Hecate. "Can you actually be only a few hundred years old? Desdemona's like a billion so if you're her twin there's no way that you can be that young right?"

Reza grumbled. "Nope. It's entirely possible. And Desdemona's literally the only person who would have the power to do it too, which is another reason I'm so frustrated."

"What do you mean?" Hecate asked.

"Seeing as I was possessed by the Former Head of Wrath and ended up doing a lot of work in Hell, the other Heads of the Circles were always confused and annoyed at how powerful Desdemona was. But the biggest gripe they had was that the woman never ever slept. I don't think I've ever seen her sleep until we came here. But in Hell, not once."

"She told us you guys slept together." Hecate confessed getting Reza to groan.

"Well yeah, I would have to be fucking stupid to pass up the opportunity. But we just fucked then I either passed out first or she just left before hand. I always offered but she always refused."

"What does her not sleeping have to do with their ages being so different?"

"Desdemona's pocket dimension, the one she uses for infinite orgies and stuff. It's also cut off from time itself."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't know exactly how it works because the way it seems is that Desdemona can step in, sleep for eight-to-ten hours then step out and it's only a few seconds after she went in. All I know is that Desdemona is perfectly capable of completely distorting time."

"How is that possible? Only Gods have that kind of power. How could some random Arch Devil?"

"I have no idea. At first I thought her ability to manipulate time was just the result of her pocket dimension. Maybe it being incredibly old and passed down, I have no idea. But she appears to have control over it in reality. Obviously if she's able to rewind time she can hide when she actually slips up so people have no idea. But sometimes I think she does, and I just don't say anything."

"What do you mean?" Calypso asked. "You catch her screwing up with time? She what? Forgets what day it is?"

"She messes up dates and times all the time. More so than anyone else I've ever seen. But I mean, that can happen to anyone really. Vanessa is a perfect example. But for her it's different. I've seen her call people by a name that no one told her, or react to something like she knew it was going to happen before it did."

"She could just be a Seer."

"Seer's look at the situation and recognize it. Know what's going to happen by remembering what they've seen. Desdemona does it like she's done it a hundred times and perfected the outcome. But she's always been like that."

"I mean, I threw a paper airplane at Aviri Nightshade's head and she just caught it over her shoulder."

"Aviri isn't a Seer. It's her Pureblood power or something." Reza shrugged. "As long as she has Peredite in there I'm avoiding her."

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