The Day you Decided (TROST DISTRICT - Summer 847)

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Backstory: why you initially joined the survey corp

And just like that, you're free, high school was over. Once refugees flooded your city, many people dropped out to work for their families in any way they could since famine was consuming the community.
However, your family's business grew as more and more people began training at your fathers martial arts studio. With more people comes more crime. It's your duty to complete your school since it's a privilege many aren't able to get. Unfortunately for Gwen, she had to drop out to help her mother with her garden & sewing. You knew she felt saddened by your graduation dinner despite being happy for you.
The titan attack was a day everyone will remember, a national tragedy that brushed your borders, but still managed to leave you and your loved ones unscathed, although the indirect impact changed the dynamics of your livelihood significantly.

"(Y/n)!! Oh you look so beautiful, your hair looks amazing" she said as she rushed to hug you.

"I slept with the wrap you showed me how to do! I was saving it for a special day"
The big bouncy curls came out stunning despite the minimal effort.
She stepped back and looked around before whispering to you
"So did you tell your parents about Carmine?"

"He's not coming." You say plainly.

Carmine was your 'sort of' boyfriend. He was trouble and you knew that, but you couldn't keep away from him. He was a refugee from wall Maria.. only him and his brothers survived, they made a living dealing with shady people from shady places.

"You know how my family is, I'm not—"

"Annnddddd did they not introduce you two?" Gwen cut you off, the excitement in her voice growing.

While that was true, you met him through training at your fathers studio, your family can tell that he is learning to fight because his life depends on it in a much different way than the others. He's become one of the top students, yet often arrives to class with a new injury after disappearing for weeks at a time. He has no reliable explanation, which one is safe to assume is due to a dishonest way of living. They do their best to suppress their judgements, but you know they'd never approve, it's best to keep this to yourself.

"You better see him tonight while you look this good" she eyed you up and down

You turned your head as you heard your family excitedly greeting Noah, the way they gushed over him made you roll your eyes, and you were sure to make him see.

"(Y/N)!! We did it!!!" He walks in holding a bottle of champagne, ready to celebrate.

As pretentious as he can be, you still loved your best friend, knowing that it's not his fault your family kisses his ass.

He engulfed you in a hug, already smelling a bit like alcohol
"Fuck Mr. Breeney, you know what that asshat told me after the ceremony?"

You both couldn't help the laughter that escaped, you all hated that man.

"He was all like ''Noah that wasn't in the script I approved, I can revoke your high honors..." he continued.

Yup.. he was top of the class. Not hard when your class drops from 142 to 50... but still, an achievement is an achievement. He goes on with his story, charisma radiating off of him as he unwraps the foil and readies the bottle..

"Here you go honey!!! Use these glasses!" your mother rushed over to Noah as she grabbed his cheek and kissed it.

"Mrs. (L/N), you are looking stunning as always, and I see you've painted in here. Your eye for design is exquisite."

The way he amicably flirted with your mother never fails to amuse you, you and Gwen immediately locked eyes and tried your hardest not to laugh. It was respectful and all in good fun, no one else could ever get away with the things Noah does, but it's Noah. The only boy allowed to come over, stay as long as he'd like, and win the heart of your father.

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