Chapter 20: Celebrating shadows

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After dinner and a shower, you dry your hair as quickly as you can and throw on some comfy clothes so you can be there when Gwen arrives. The excitement is almost overwhelming, but luckily Reiner is already in the lobby, excited like you are while Bertholdt sits in the corner playing solitaire.

"Ugh you guys are so lucky. It must be so easy to get ready when you don't have to do your hair."

Reiner looks towards Bertholdt and back at you.
"Yeah, having short hair is easier I guess. Why dont you cut yours?"

"I dunno, maybe I should." You grab the ends in between your fingers. "It's getting long... and so is yours." You shake your fingers through Reiners hair, its been a while since any of us have been able to take care of ourselves. "Let Gwen cut it when she gets here." You wink at him.

Bertholdt sighs and looks up from his book.

"You too Bertholdt! A soldier should always have a neat and proper trim, isn't that right Reiner?"

Reiner opens his mouth to respond but quickly closes it, swallowing his thought before it can escape his lips. Bertholdt blinks and looks back to his cards to resume his game and an awkward silence ensues. Your mind easily jumps around in 100 thoughts at once as the hour before Gwen's arrival feels as if it came to a halt.
Hange notices you pacing around the lobby and approaches you.

"Ahh, (Y/N)! There you are. Come, come. Erwin assigned Gwen a room let's go check it out."

You follow Hange up the stairs and into the women's lodging and into the first room on the right.

"Huh.. I always just assumed these rooms were taken already." You say as she opens the door to a smaller room, it's cute but dusty.

"Here, take these!" She tosses you a set of keys before heading back out the door.

"I have... a lot to catch up on. Make sure she returns these! See ya tonight!"

This place is pretty gross, so you get to cleaning it, and making the bed, preparing a nice and welcoming space for your friend and eventually hear a light knock on the door.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"
Christa's sweet voice interrupts your final preparations in the room.
"Gwen's downstairs. Everyone's so excited to see her. I figured I'd come and find you."

Your face lights up and you pick up the cleaning supplies, your legs are so sore that you're barely able to descend down the stairway. Christa glances back at you
"Just wait there, I hear her right down the hall!" And darts away before you can respond.

A wave of warmth rushes over you at the sight of your friend and all of the day's anticipation leaves your body as you embrace her in a tight hug. The two of you catch up as you walk her to her room and help her unpack her belongings. She tells you all about how the Garrison has been helping relocate families back to their home after cleaning up Trost and confirms that your family has finally returned over the week. She spent some time at her moms and updated your family on her plans to visit you and hands you letters from your parents.
Thinking of them and how much they've been through is really heavy, so you'll tuck them away in your drawer later. She explains how the mail system there is not urgent to repair, so you won't hear from them anytime soon. Noah has been stationed there to help keep order while the refugees return home. Even though you're still angry with him, you know that your family is in good hands.
After updating you on priority matters, the two of you spend your time getting ready for tonight. You love hearing all about Reiner and her plans with him, you're happy to see her gush and giggle over this man. After she finishes getting settled, the two of you head to your room where you have your mirror and start readying yourself for later.

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