Chapter 17: The Raid on Stohess

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Morning comes far too quickly, but at least today you have purpose. Your first move out of bed is to take your prescriptions and relive the pain in your hands. They're doing better, at least you've regained some range of motion, enough to properly put on your uniform at least. Today you're going to see Noah, you're still unsure of how to approach him. Sure, he's probably aware that the Scouts will be passing by, but he isn't expecting a visit from you, not after your last conversation.
Suddenly, you've figured out your approach, you know exactly how to get Noah exactly where you need him.

Upon arriving in Stohess, you head to the cadet officers' HQ asking for Noah. The man happily smiles upon hearing his name and gladly marches to bring you his favorite officer. While waiting, you walk around the lobby of the MP HQ, it's stunning. Instead of shoddy wood, their base is made of marble. Clearly, the budget for the MP housing is substantially greater than the Scouts.

"(Y/N)." Noah calls your name from the hallway, picking up a jog as you turn around. He hugs you the moment he reaches you and you slowly bring your arms up his side, accepting his embrace.

"I'm so glad you're alright."

"Yeah... me too. Let's go for a walk." You silently say into his ear before he lets go.

He waves at the man in the lobby before opening the door for you

"Your hands... is that from—"

"The expedition? Yes... Noah, I've made a mistake. I-I should've listened to you." You're satisfied with the act you're putting on.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry for how that day went, I didn't mean what I said, just please, tell me what happened. I'll do everything in my power to help you. You deserve safety."

"I'll tell you everything, but not here." You glance around at the busy streets.
"I found a place on my way here, a place for us to speak freely, come on." You lead him directly to the passageway Erwin has instructed you, catching up on as you're getting deep underground exactly as planned.

"Okay, I think we're far enough, (Y/N)." Noah says as he puts down the lantern, illuminating the empty tunnel.

"Noah.. I'm going to need you to tell me the truth, okay?"

"Of course."
The confidence in his words throw you off, it's as if he knows what you're going to say already.

"Tell me everything you know about Annie Leonhart." His face turns to confusion.

"Wait.. what? What does Annie have to do with anything?"

"Annie did this to me." You lift up your hands.

"When did you see Annie?"
You study his puzzled expression, the conversation took an unexpected turn for him, one he wasn't prepared for.

"She infiltrated the expedition."

"That's impossible.. I mean, the day of the expedition, as far as I know, Annie was sent on a mission to retrieve the daughter of a nobleman.. no maybe that was the day prior.. she was in her room that entire day. No sign ins or sign outs."
He's telling the truth. Noah is one of the most charismatic and calculated people you know, he always speaks with unwavering certainty. While he's a good liar because of the confidence in his words, your question truly caught him off guard and his response indicates that. He's speaking from memory, not from a rehearsed conversation.

"What I'm about to tell you is going to sound crazy, but I need you to help me. Do you understand?"

You begin to explain to him the situation, everything you could recall from the expedition and your plans right now, including the suspicion lying on his shoulders. You stress the importance of his cooperation.

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