Chapter 9: Recieve what comes, follow what goes

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1 minute.. 5 minutes.. 10 minutes go by and finally Bertholdt walks out, grin on his face as he walks past. You make eye contact with Erwin through the door.

"Come in, (Y/n)."

You come quietly into his office and take a seat across from him.

"Thank you for seeing me, Commander. I wanted to request transportation to visit Gwen, possibly tonight if you are able to. I.. just want to make sure she's okay."

You flash innocent eyes at Erwin. His handsome face is expressionless, although soft, it's difficult to read.

"Unfortunately I cannot approve that, you are needed here."

You aren't sure if you heard that right. But you have to convince yourself that you did. You weren't expecting that response.

"So... no?"

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I cannot approve that at this time."

"But Reiner.. if he's able to go why can't I?" You don't mean to question the commander but it just came out. Your voice is a bit panicked. You already made these plans in your head and just like that, he can take it all away and deny you.  Your face turns red with hurt and confusion. Before he can respond you shoot out another question

"What do you need me for?" The frog in your throat is starting to hurt, the anxiety is building. Did you do something wrong? This surely has to be a punishment.

"You're going to be training under Captain Levi with the special forces squad. You're an excellent soldier, (y/n), and, like everyone else there, you have a unique way of getting the job done." He firmly announced, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
This took you by surprise, surely this wasn't the Captains doing. Maybe Eld had a word with the commander? It doesn't matter how, but this is progress. The shock of being added on to an elite squad clearly is spread across your face.

"Moving forward, all training will be given by Captain Levi, however your position in the upcoming expedition and your lectures will remain the same. You've showed exceptional bravery and leadership during your time here, and while you still have a lot to learn, we can also learn just as much from you."
His words were so genuine, yet so difficult to believe, you weren't expecting praise from Commander Erwin. Its rare for you to have nothing to say, but in this moment, it's a beautiful conversation to process. Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. An unusual knock..
"Come in." He states.

You turn your head around to see none other than Captain Levi entering the room, glaring at your doe-eyed expression.

"Excellent timing Levi, I'll have you evaluate (y/n) at training grounds. You're dismissed."

Levi shot daggers deep into Erwin, who remained unmoved. He seemed eager to get me out of here. but there was also something very satisfying about watching Levi take orders. He reluctantly sighs

"Come on, brat."

You shyly get out of your seat and follow him through the halls, down the stairs, and past the stables to the empty grounds. This didn't feel right, you had other plans entirely.. it was easy to stay quiet the entire walk. Gwen is taking up a huge chunk of your mind, you had so much planned and now hopefully Reiner knows not to wait for you.

"Show me what you know." His sharp voice digs into the silent air.
"Get into your stance!" His voice raises slightly, sending goosebumps down your spine. He wants me to fight him?
You get into the stance your father taught you for many years, it's entirely defensive, nothing fancy because the goal is to use your opponents force against them. Offensive moves are usually counters to any oncoming attacks.

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