Chapter 35: To the Underground

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Finally, another girl comes and saves you from this dreadful passive aggressive male dominated conversation.

"Hey (Y/N), I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but you were amazing on the keys out there."

"Thank you, I don't get to play much back at HQ. So it was a real treat to play this one, it's all so beautiful here."

"Yeah, it gets boring to look at the same things every day. I honestly hadn't even noticed the piano after a while."
she looks down to your feet gently swinging off the ledge.
"I love your skirt, where did you get it from?"

You look down and remember Gwen gave it to you the last time she visited, a twinge of sadness stings in your core but you push it all away, happy to engage in conversation with another woman as you've been around far too much masculine energy lately.

"One of my friends back home's mother made it for me. Isn't it lovely? She'd sell to noblewomen in the capital, some even paid people to come pick up special orders from her."

"Wow, I can see why. She's very talented I must say. You're also from Trost?"

"Yes, I've been aching to return to my city, but it just never seems to be the right time."

"Huh, we'll I'm sure you'll get to visit soon."

You enjoy talking with Hitch, she's a pleasant girl and seems genuine with her questions. You find out that she was roommates with Annie, but she keeps the conversation light hearted, even making a few jokes with you, and you both share funny memories you two have of each other. It's really strange talking about her, without mentioning the horrors of the reality she's created, but this conversation serves as an escape, bonding with someone else over the memories you have with a person. Memories that don't involve her heinous crimes. It's nice to pretend sometimes that the world isn't as heavy as it really is.
Marlo joins the conversation and eventually it dies out, with people going their separate ways, Oliver reaches out for your hand and gives a gentle squeeze as a goodbye, and Noah helps you down off the ledge.

"(Y/N), look, do what you want, just don't get distracted."

"Noah I'm not going to get distracted, I know why I came here. But do you think we can make it to the party?"

He shakes his head in disbelief
"What did I just tell you?"

"Come on, you even said that we should try to make it back before it got too late, otherwise it'll be dangerous. If we get back in time, I don't see why we can't go?"

"We need to go straight to your room and talk about things, (Y/N), plan our next move. Plan how you can get back here. Not mess around partying and what not."

You clench your jaw in frustration.

"But don't you think I'll have a better reason for coming back if I get to know everyone better? They're all so nice. And, Oliver's a sergeant, wouldn't it be beneficial to have him around?"

"Pffft, he's not helpful in the slightest."

"Well, what does he even do?"

"He's apart of a squad that controls imports and exports, he's not even the captain. He's pretty useless to anything we're doing."

"Hm, don't be so sure. You never know when we may need—"

"We won't need any help from him."
He interrupts you

"You know, I'm sick of you acting like you know everything."

"You're being ridiculous."

"You're being annoying."

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