Chapter 37: Squad Espionage

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Author's note:
I know it's been a while since we've seen our short king but I'm tying this together I promise it'll be worth it<3

Nelson gives you both a big hug, and welcomes your safe return as Noah retells the entire night to him. You add things here and there, but let Noah dictate the conversation. Nelson is impressed on how much you've discovered in just 4 hours, he makes sure that you both know how skilled you two are.

"I think she was trying to attack us."

"I mean, yeah. We were cornered, but once she heard our gear, she immediately tried to get away."

"I bet she's with Kenny."
Nelson looks at Noah, and then directly at you.

"That's what I was thinking." Noah says, turning his eyes to you. "That's why she told you to join her. Kenny is planning something against the Scouts. Maybe she doesn't want you there for it."

"Woah, she tried to recruit you?"

"No, no. She didn't try and recruit me. She just said maybe if I grow a pair of balls, I could have as much fun as she does."

"Yeah that sounds like an invite to me."

"If she has that gear, she's gotta be with them. Not to say that she wasn't a skilled soldier, but she's no match for anyone on the interior squad. There's no way she could've overpowered them, they must've seen she knew how to use it, and offered her some kind of position."

"She did say she felt like her skills mattered down there."

"They probably have her feeling important so that she does what they want."

"But she said she was doing what she wanted. Not what someone else wants."

"Maybe her wants align with theirs."

"(Y/N), can you think of anything that she'd possibly have in common with that squad or Kenny?"

You close your eyes, grasping at straws trying to find similarities among the two. The only thing you know about Kenny is that he is close with the Royal family, close enough to be forgiven for murdering a bunch of MP's and entrusted with leading a secret interior squad.
Maybe she wants to find Reiner, or at least why he did what he did.

"Maybe Kenny promised her information on Reiner. I mean, we discovered down there that people literally gamble and pay for information. Information is valuable. That's the way of life underground."

"Good point, (Y/N). Now what could Kenny know?"

Silence encapsulates the room as the three of you struggle for answers.

"You think he knows where Reiner is, or why he did that?"

"I just don't understand what any of that has to do with Kenny or the Royal Family. Why did Annie want to know more about them?"
He turns to Noah

"I don't see the point in trying to figure all of that out now. What do we do next?"

Nelson pauses for a couple of seconds
"You know, I never thought I'd find myself saying this, but I think the only person who'd know what to do is Erwin."

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