Chapter 22: Traitor

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You stare at him until he disappears in the panicked crowd, quickly making your way back to the entrance where your horses have been readied for you and toss the tea into your bag. Under Erwin's orders, Levi instructs for you to go back to where Miche's team had been on standby. You follow your captain, riding off into the sunset south of Wall Sina.
Within the hours ride, it's become totally dark, leaving only the moonlight to guide you. Every time you try and speak, nobody really engages in conversation with you, it seems that everyone's tired and not up for conversation. It'll be a boring ride but it's understandable given the circumstances. You check the post where you had left the rest of your comrades and everyone is gone. Levi gets off his horse to inspect the hoof prints, and orders us to follow the tracks. As the night goes on, it's becoming difficult to stay awake. The initial adrenaline of hearing that titans broke through the wall has dissipated, you've been riding for hours upon hours in the darkness without spotting a single Titan. To everyone's disappointment, the tracks lead only to the edge of wall rose and the captain is unsure of his next move. You can feel the uncertainty beginning to frustrate him and glance at Eren, who's fidgeting in his seat, eager to do something instead of feeling so helpless.

"Maybe if Eren transformed we'd be able to cover more ground." You suggest

"That's exactly what they want, Eren must be kept hidden at all costs." Levi shoots down your idea

"It's not a bad idea, (Y/N), but he's right. Whoever let the titans in might be trying to lure Eren." Armin said

"What's that over there?" Mikasa points to the top of a hill as the sun slowly begins to rise, illuminating what appears to be the footprints of a Titan

"Titans." Levi says before galloping off. The others follow him without hesitation as your horse jolts you midway through your yawn and excitedly gallops alongside the others.
One pair of Titan footprints turns to several as you ride with wall Rose on your left in the distance. Your heart begins beating heavily as dawn breaks, displaying the prints from a hoard of titans rushing through here. Just yesterday you were enjoying your time with your friends, now you have to prepare yourself for whatever massacre you're about to walk into. You look over to Levi, he's riding with such confidence and his calm exterior helps soothe your nerves. You trust in him, and as long as you follow what he tells you, you'll be okay.
You hear thuds in the distance along with the ground shaking and squint your eyes, trying to make out the cloud of dust and rubble ahead. Those could be your dead comrades, it could be their last fight. You swallow your fear and put on a face of determination.

"That's them! Full speed! Wait for further instruction." Levi shouts as the giant blur in the distance grows larger and the screams grow louder. You push forward, exhausting yourself but you get a second wind when you see Hange and her squad riding towards the same direction. A huge wave of relief takes over, but you still focus on your breathing. There's got to be at least 20 titans not far from you, all latched on to a single target.

"Eren, you are NOT to engage in battle under ANY circumstances, not unless your life is directly on the line. Understood?" Levi shouts to Eren and he nods in response

"It appears that Hange and her squad is coming from the west, they'll take out the titans on our left. Mikasa, clear out the titans up front. (Y/N), you and I will clear out the titans on the right and swing around back to meet up with Hange and the others, clearing out any remaining titans they might've missed. Got it?"

"Understood!" You all nod

"And Eren, you better sit your ass out of this one."

Hesitation 18+🔞Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon