22. Taehyung

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"Come on," Yoongi says to Jungkook. They are at the front of the car. I'm doing my mental preparation at the back. "You're going in today."

"Why?" Jungkook asks.

"To confuse Jimin." He turns to me. "You're staying in the car. If I call you, you're going in. If I don't call you, in half an hour be at the front of the building. There should be no issues here."

"Where are we anyways?" asks Jungkook.

"A while back I had to stage a robbery. I knew the guy. He told me his daughter is married to some asshole. He let me fake-rob him once if I take care of the husband."

"Am I supposed to kill someone?" Jungkook widens his eyes.

"No. We're going to leave the guy dry, this time for real. Come on. We have to go. You both know the plan."

I get into the driver's seat when they leave.

Half an hour later, with no phone call from Yoongi, I park along the road in front of the building. I wait, watching the building carefully, but five minutes pass and no one leaves. Ten minutes pass and nothing. When fifteen minutes later they are still not here, I go inside.

I walk into a hall with nothing but a staircase upstairs. I take it, no sounds coming from anywhere. Halfway, where the staircase turns, the window is opened. I walk faster. I have a mere knife on me. And I don't even know how to properly use it.

When I reach the first floor, there are four doors along the hall, kind of like in a hotel. I pause, glance around and try to hear something. Anything.

Just then, the door on the far left bursts open and someone flies out of the room, hitting the wall and falling to the ground. To my utter horror, it's Jungkook. And a massive, tall and thick man follows him outside. I hold my breath when he lifts Jungkook up, and when I notice how fucked out he is.

And where the fuck is Yoongi?

My heart nearly stops, but I can't just stand here and watch this guy beat the life out of him. I'd rather take a few punches from him than go and tell Yeeun that Jungkook is not coming back home. Nothing as scary as pissed off Yeeun.

Jungkook doesn't give up easily, even when the gorilla holds him up, legs dangling in the air. He spits blood on the ground, waits two seconds, then quickly holds the gorilla's shoulders and throws a kick between his legs.

When the guy drops him and reaches behind his back for a gun, I step in.

I have the knife in my left hand when I throw a punch with my right. He's surprised, tumbling to the side and dropping his weapon. I have no chances if I use my strength, so I use surprise. When he grabs my shoulder to probably snap my spine, I swing my arm and stab his thigh. He groans through gritted teeth and I do it again, in the other leg, and push him back.

"Come on." I pull Jungkook up. "Go downstairs. Fast."

"You too-"

"I'll be right behind," I say. He nods and limps away as the gorilla is trying to get up.

"If I can't kill that one, I'll kill you," he says, panting.

"You'd have to stand up for this."

On his knees, he reaches across the floor for the gun. I have half a mind when I swing my arm and put the knife through his palm, leaving it there. With his screams and lots of curses fading in the background, I'm sprinting downstairs. Nothing stops me, fortunately, as I burst outside and jump into the car where Jungkook is waiting.

"Shit, go fast," Jungkook says. Just as I start the car, another gorilla runs out of the building.

"They fucking clone or what," I mumble. Jungkook snorts, panting and holding onto his side.

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