23. Yeeun

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From the papers I took pictures from, I found out a few places that may hold some sort of importance for Jimin.

So today Jungkook thinks I'm with dad again, dad thinks I'm getting a surprise for Jungkook ready, Taehyung – who I borrow a car he's just fixed for someone from – knows damn well not to say a word to Jungkook about it. They are both getting ready for a heist with Yoongi tonight, anyways. Which, also, makes it so much easier to take Wooshik with me.

Not that I need him that much on this mission. I just know without him it would feel... too empty. Too distracting. Too boring.

He's becoming my friend, almost instantly. It's so obvious and so straightforward. Which I know would hurt so much more if we were to stop being friends one day.

I hope we will not.


I take someone's Toyota and, after picking Wooshik up, drive close to one of Jimin's hideouts. It's similar to Yoongi's, an old garage, but bigger and in the middle of a neighborhood. There's a camera in the front, so I sneak around and cut the wires with a pair of pliers.

There's not much we can do here. Inside, there must be a tone of Jimin's people, and there are only two of us, so we need to be careful. A ladder at the back, stuck to the wall. Who knows if this is going to work? No one, but we're already here, so we climb the ladder.

Logically, I know I'd achieve much more with Yoongi. Maybe with him and his people. But I'll only do it with him after I do whatever is possible by myself.

The roof is thankfully empty. No cameras around. I step quietly, so that they wouldn't hear we're here. Wooshik, cleverly, takes his shoes off. I do the same.

"There is no way we'll hear anything from here," Wooshik says, also keeping his voice low.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot my super-spy equipment at home."

"Don't be a smartass when you know super-spy equipment is exactly what we need."

"Fuck you." For making a point.

At the top of the wall on the other side, there's a line of small rectangular windows. That's the only access inside we have. Could have. Because they are closed. I do know how to open a locked window, it's the second thing Yoongi taught me when we met, but I can't do that without them noticing.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I have nothing to even hold myself up with, and Jungkook would have a heart attack if he saw me (Wooshik might be already preventing himself from having one because he holds my ankles), but I lay on my stomach at the edge of the roof and hang my head down. Points for me for wearing leggings. It's not even that high. Carefully, I glance inside. I can see Jimin pacing around, four of his people. There might be more of them, but four is enough for me to stay hidden.

"I need those windows open," I say, sitting on the roof to think it through. "At least one."

"A diversion? I'll get them to go outside, you'll open the window or hide inside."

"I don't know how the inside looks. It might as well be an open space. There also might be a lot of them in. We can't risk your life."

The neighborhood is empty. I'm pretty sure no one lives in the house next to the garage (I'd rather not know why). No one seems to be in the houses around. Maybe he bought the whole thing, who knows.

I am hoping for some miracle, maybe a bird smashing into the window hard enough to make a hole, when a sound comes from behind me. We sneak around, to the other side of the garage. No more than a twelve year old boy is walking down the street, dragging a long thin branch, and holding a plastic bag over his shoulder. He looks like a trouble maker.

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