January 3rd, 2016

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A/N- Eton is an independent boys' school in England (Princes William and Harry went there.) The uniform they wear is the chapter picture, just for you to get a sense of Daniel's character. 

When Sophie is speaking French (Italics) she's talking with her brother. I hope my French is right. If it isn't (I'm a French speaker, but argot is not my forte) please comment and tell me what's the correct version.) You don't need to speak/understand French to know what she's saying because it's not really important to the Sophie/Daniel story. It's just to build Sophie's character.



"God, it's you."

"Three seconds into this call and already you're hostile."

"Ten seconds into this call and already I want to hang up."

"You'd miss my apology if you did that."

"If it's anything like your previous ones, I won't be missing out on much."

"Maybe with all the apologising I'm doing, I'll get better."

"You won't. It's a lost cause."

"Can't I at least try? Will you permit me that?"

"Ok, Toff. Give it your best shot."


"Yes, because you're posh. You sound like a member of the Royal Family."

"I do not!"

"That's what all the Eton Posh Boys say."

"Just because I went to Eton does not mean that I'm a Toff."

"Oh, whoa. You actually went to Eton?"

"Not the point."

"Haha. This is brilliant. Did you have to wear the uniform and everything?"

"Sophie, can we get back to the topic at hand?"

"Ok, Toff. I'm all ears."

"I would like to sincerely apologise for insulting your English degree which was awarded to you by Oxford University. I understand that it is rude to correct a person's grammar and dialect and I'm sorry for any offence caused."


"Oh, come on! That was a perfectly decent apology."

"I know it was. I was just stunned into silence by how sincere it sounded."

"Oh, well then. Thank you."

"Sure thing- Putain de merde! C'estde conneries. Bon sang."

"You speak French?"

"What? - Un moment, Luc."

"You were just shouting in French."

"AttendsT'asun problème d'écoute ou quoi?  C'estla zone. On estfoutu!"

"I feel like you're not talking to me."


"The French. It's not for me, is it? Because I don't speak French."

"Casse-toi! - Sorry, Daniel, what were you saying?"

"You speak French?"


"And you were shouting in French, why?"

"Because my brother just kicked my arse playing Monopoly."

"But why in French?"

"Because I'm French. Or, I'm half French on my mother's side. - J'exige un rematch, Lucas."


"Do you have a problem with the French?"

"Not at all. I'm just taken aback that you're French."

"It's not like you know anything about me, Daniel. - Pourquoitu me regardes comme ça?"

"Maybe now isn't the best time for you."

"Dégagez! - No, it's fine, Daniel. Lucas just left."


"Sorry for the madness and all the French swearing."

"Is that what that was? And all over a game of Monopoly, no less."

"We're a very competitive family."

"So it would seem. Are your family visiting you?"

"No. I'm visiting them."

"You're in France?"

"I'm in Surrey."

"I thought your family were French."

"My mother is French. My father is Irish."

"And they live in Surrey?"

"What's with the twenty questions? Are you going to use all this information to stalk me, or what?"

"No, Sophie, I am not going to stalk you. I was being friendly and trying to take an interest."


"I- uh- I-"

"Do you have a crush on me, Daniel?"


"It's ok if you do. I'm easy to like."

"You're really not."

"But you're still on the phone. Most people would have hung up by now."

"Good point. I'm hanging up now."

"You are?"


"Oh, ok. Well, in that case, it was nice meeting you, Daniel."

"It was nice to wind me up, you mean."

"Haha, that too, I guess. Anyway, have a nice life."

"You too, Sophie. Once again, I really am terribly sorry for the mistake and for being- what did you call me? An arsehole?"

"Um, yes."

"Well, I'm sorry for being an arsehole, too."

"Apology accepted. Several times over. Do you accept my apology?"

"When did you ever apologise?"

"Good bye, Daniel."

"Good bye, Sophie."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now