March 30th 2016

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"Don't shave!"

"Don't shave?"

"Please don't tell me that you already did."

"I was going to shave on Friday morning. You know, to avoid stubble. Clean shaven tends to look better. Or no?"

"I like the beard, so keep it."

"I'll keep it then."

"Thank you! It gives you a little... I don't know. Makes you look ruggedly handsome."

"I think you're complimenting me, Miss Clément. I think I need to take a moment and bask in it because you don't compliment me every day."

"Maybe not out loud."

"But inside your head, you do?"

"Not everyday. Just, most days."

"Tell me more."

"Tell me more."

"Was it love at first sight?"

"Tell me more."

"Tell me more."

"Did she put up a fight?"

"We are so silly right now."

"Ah, who cares! It's fun!"

"Just out of interest, was it love at first sight?"



"More like, second. Or third."

"I can deal with that."

"Did she put up a fight?"

"I think that's your question to answer."

"Oh, right. No, there was no fight."

"I knew my charm would win you over."


"Right... what were we talking about before we detoured into Grease?"

"Um... I can't remember."

"Oh, Dory. You really are living up to your namesake."

"I have a namesake?"

"Do you watch animated movies?"

"Not since I was about... however old I was in 1994."

"You're twenty-nine now, right? That means you were born in eighty-seven, so you would have been seven in ninety-four."

"In that case, I haven't seen an animated movie since I was seven."

"And what film was that?"

"Hamlet. With Lions."

"The Lion King."

"That's what I called it."

"No, you called it Hamlet with Lions."

"But that's what it really is. Like Beauty and the Beast should be called Stockholm Syndrome."

"Oh, God. What have I started?!"

"Hunchback of Notre Dame should be called Nice Guy Finishes Last. Cinderella should have been called Makeover Fixes Everything. The Little Mermaid should have been-"

"Ok, I get it. Animated movies are not your thing."

"Are they your thing?"

"Only when Nola's over and demands that we watch Pixar or Disney."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now