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This chapter is awful, like, seriously... so bad. I struggled to write it. I started by writing a Daniel POV chapter, got about halfway through and thought, 'No, this isn't working.' So I started again with a Sophie POV chapter, which is what this is. 

You have been warned.

OH, this is for @mehmehanoush! Comment when you see it! 

Sarah, xx

"Out of interest," Jasmine says, her eyes trailing up and down my body, scrutinizing my outfit. "Why are you dresses like a futuristic computer hacker? Like the coat, though."

Before i have a chance to defend my choice of clothes, Jasmine shoves a bonder in my hands and ushers me into my office, closing the door after me. Alone in my room, I stand there dazed for a moment before realising that it's Jasmine and this is just what she does. 

Going to my desk, I make a start reading all the e-mails that I've been ignoring. For some reason, my schedule today looks a little bare, the only real entry being the meeting with Nigel and some choice editors later this afternoon. Until then, it was up to me to edit some articles that had been submitted and to put some sort of order to works already polished. 

Powering up my computer, I go directly to my iTunes account, pulling up a playlist that would get me in the mood to work. Choosing Macklemore's Downtown as the first song, I sit at my desk and try to ignore the way that Jasmine will sometimes hover at my door, peeking into my office through the glass wall. The first few times she did it was plain weird and would make me stop my work so I could look up and see what she was really doing. After the tenth or eleventh time, I pretended that she wasn't doing it at all.

Reading an e-mail from my French Counterpart, Isabelle St-Germain, I quickly typed out a reply, cursing my computer for not being programmed to be able to write in French. Instead, I spent a good five minutes turning off autocorrect and finding symbols or working out shortcuts. On a Post-it, I make a note to remind me to call the tech team and ask them to fix it. 

Having already decided not to get out of my contract earlier- it came down to a flip of a coin- I couldn't spend the next four months, give or take, without my computer programmed to support French. Of all the overseas Vogue publications, I probably spent most of my time communicating with the French one, and being fluent in the language, I made sure to reply as often as I could in their language. 

Clicking the 'SEND' button, I move onto the next set of e-mails in my inbox. It took the better part of an hour to respond to each one and to deal with the newer e-mails that arrived today, but soon enough, I was through with my first task of the day. 

Sending all the articles to the printer, I asked Jasmine to stop watching me through the glass windows and make herself useful. After pulling some sort of face at my request, she dutifully went about doing her job. While she was gone, I slipped out of my office and went to see Nigel, asking him about our afternoon meeting. I was with him for just under five minutes before I was dismissed, heading back to my office. Jasmine was outside, pacing frantically, speaking into the phone in a rushed tone, her hands brushing through her hair.

"I don't know where she is!" Jasmine practically yelled. "She was here when I went to the copier and when I came back, she was gone!"

With an amused smile on my face, I crept up behind her. "Who are you talking about?" I asked, making Jasmine scream and drop her phone. While she was getting over her mini panic attack, I couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. She looked downright furious with me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. So, who are you talking about?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ