February 13th, 2016

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"I have something to ask you."

"Yes, Daniel. Yes, I'll marry you!"

"Drop the sarcasm, Sophie."

"Jesus, Duckling. Who pissed on your chips?"

"Sophie, for once, don't try to be smart, ok?"

"Why? You usually love my sarcasm."

"Except for when I need you to be serious."

"Fine, I'll tone it down. What was your question?"

"Did you sack Rachel because I'm taking her out on a date?"

"Haha. What?"

"Did you. Sack Rachel. Because I'm going on a date. With her?"

"Don't talk to me like I'm stupid, Daniel. It's really insulting. Just as insulting as the fact that you think I'd sack someone because they're going on a date with one of my friends."

"Then why did you fire her?"

"I didn't fucking fire her!"

"Yes, you did. She's no longer your assistant."

"Did  she tell you that I fired her?"

"She said that she was no longer working for you."

"No, she isn't-"

"So you did sack her!"

"Do not shout at me, Daniel. Don't you dare fucking shout at me! Let me set you straight here, Danny Boy. I did not sack your girlfriend-"

"She's not my girlfriend."

"- She's an intern and as such, she has a placement in each department at the magazine so she can get a taste of everything we do here at Vogue. Each placement lasts three months and guess whose placement with me just came to an end?"


"Oh, now you're quiet! I've taught her everything she needs to know about my job and my department. Now, she gets to move on to the creative side, hopefully putting to good use whatever she's learnt from me. So get your facts straight before you storm in on your big white horse, trying to defend your girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"I don't give a shit!"

"You're impossible!"

"Go to hell, Daniel!"

"Right now, talking to you, I fell like I'm already there!"


"No! Shit, no! Sophie, I didn't mean that-"

[Call ended]

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now