March 23rd 2016

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As I wrote this, by the end I was like, 'Oh, these two have come so far since January 1st!' I personally love Danphie. Quite possibly my favourite of all my couples. (*whispers* maybe even more than Manah!)

Sarah, xx


"Oh, good you're up."

"Sophie, it's... four thirty three am."

"It is? Oh, I thought it was later. But, never mind, you're awake."

"Now I am, yes."

"I woke you?"

"No, I'm usually up at this ungodly hour."

"But you're an early bird."

"Not this early."

"Would you like me to phone you back later?"

"There's no point now. I'm already awake."

"Great. So, did you really get bitten by a jellyfish in Australia?"


"Did you also get a piece of coral stuck in your leg while learning to surf?"


"And did you scream like a girl when you saw a Huntsman spider?"

"Yes... no. No!"

"Ha, you so did!"

"Hey, you didn't see the size of the bloody thing! It was huge, the size of my hand, I swear."


"Um, wasn't it you that insisted I come and rescue you from a small common house spider? Are you really in a position to take the piss?"


"Thought not."

"Did you really work on a cattle ranch for three weeks?"

"In the middle of nowhere."

"And the banana farm?"

"For three months."

"Interesting. So, you weren't always a lawyer?"

"I did a gap year after my degree. When I came back, I worked at a law firm and soon after did the bar training. I was called to the bar and then I started working at the firm where I work now."

"I have another question for you."

"Ok. Ask away."

"How did you meet Elias?"

"How did he spin it?"

"He said that you met when you were at Eton and you both liked the same girl at some posh private school. You both dated the same girl but when you found out that the other was also dating her, you decided that you'd both finish with the girl. Then you became friends."

"Pretty accurate."

"Seriously? I thought he was kidding!"

"No, that happened. I mean, we were acquainted before that, but we weren't friends or anything. Seems funny now to think about it. If that girl- I forgot her name- hadn't played us both, I wouldn't have my best friend."

"Elias couldn't remember her name either."

"I think she was blonde."

"You have a thing for blondes."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz