April 3rd 2016

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"Good morning, Mr Whitaker."



"Soph, sweetheart, it's eight am."


"Which means it's three am with you."

"Jet lag. Haven't acclimatised to the time zones yet."

"You should sleep, Soph."



"I'd rather talk to you, though."

"And I'd rather talk to you,too. But you need to sort your body clock out."

"I'd still rather talk to you, though."

"Ok, Soph. Let's do it your way, but don't blame me if you're a raging bitch in the morning."

"Haha, I won't."

"So, how was your flight?"

"Long. Boring. The usual. I got your message, by the way."


"You know, if you had chased me to the airport and begged me to stay, I would have."

"You would?"

"Without a doubt."

"And you're only telling me this now?"

"Hey, you're the one who chickened out! By the way, Hugo did tell me that you two would be hanging out. I think he plans to make you his new Sophie."

"As long as I can make him my new Sophie."

"You both understand that I'm irreplaceable, right?"

"You're telling me."

"Oh, getting mushy on me again?"


"Just to be clear, you're pretty irreplaceable, too. So, I won't be falling for someone else while I'm here."

"Good to know."

"So... did Elias lose Nola?"


"You said in your message that you'd left Nola alone with Elias while you were on the phone yesterday, so did he let her wander off?"

"No, Nola's too much of an old soul. She knows not to go walk-about in the middle of London. Plus, Jenna's always drilled it into her that when Nola is around Elias and I, I'm the responsible adult."

"What does that make Elias?"

"The irresponsible adult. Obviously. How's the Big Apple? Settled into your hotel room yet?"

"I'm actually staying at Emma and Adam's place until I get the keys to a rental Em found for me."

"I thought you were in a hotel for the first few says and then you were going into a flat."

"I was, but Em insisted that I stay with her. The wedding preparations is getting too much for her. Adam's mum is starting to dictate things so Emma needs someone on her side. Guess who gets the honour of being her bodyguard against the monster-in-law?"

"I assume, from the tone of your voice, that you're the one that gets the honour."

"Bingo, baby! Ah, the perks of being the maid-of-honour."

"Maid-of-honour? You?"

"Hey! I'm a perfectly sound choice to be the maid-of-honour."

"Never said you weren't."

"Your tone said otherwise. You know, it's not too late for me to find a new date for the wedding."

"Well, seeing as you never asked me to be your date in the first place, I'm not at all slighted by that."

"I never asked you?"

"No, Soph, you didn't."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. You never asked me to be your date but Emma invited me to the wedding. She was rather insistent, actually."

"I'm finding it hard to believe that I never asked you. Are you-"

"Yes, Dory, I'm positive you never asked."




"Ask me!"

"Calm your tits, woman."


"Daniel, love and light of my life, will you do me the honour of escorting me to my sister's wedding at The Delaney on Fifth Avenue on June 4th?"

"Let me think about it."


"Haha, of course I'll escort you. It'll be my honour." 

"You know, for a second, I honestly thought you'd say no!"

"Like I would. It's a prefect excuse to come and see you, why would I turn that down?"

"I'm hoping that's a rhetorical question. So, the wedding is on a Saturday. Any chance you can get here a few days before? Oh, also, I need a date to the Met Ball May 2nd. Are you available?"

"At this rate, it might just be easier for me to just move to New York."

"You did say that your company has offices here, right?"

"Tempting. So fucking tempting."


"I have commitments here. Notable, Alfred, when he arrives. You can't let me get a dog and then expect me to leave him."

"Oh, Alfred. You're going to have to send me photos! I want updates on how my baby is doing."

"Your baby?"

"Our baby, then."

"Our baby?"

"Fine, your baby. Just send me photos of Alfred, ok?"

"Done. Nola is beyond excited about me getting a dog, by the way. Jenna's allergic, so Nola's planning on visiting me more often. I think she even threatened to move in."

"You, a dog, and a six year old girl? Sounds like the plot of a disaster movie!"

"You're telling me. I can't wait, though."


"So, you're starting your new job tomorrow?"

"I'd hardly call it 'new.' It's the same as back in London, just in a different city, that's all. But, yeah, starting tomorrow."


"A little. More nervous than excited, though."

"You, nervous? But, you're Sophie Clément."

"Hey, even this Devil in Prada gets nervous."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"Please, around you, I'm super cool. Like, chilled."



"I'm kidding, Soph."

"I'm sleepy now."

"Well, it is the middle of the night with you. Do you need me to leave you to your beauty sleep?"




"Haha, ok. Sweet dreams. Love you, bye."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now