March 14th 2016

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When I conceived this idea, my female character's name came to me pretty quickly. It was always going to be Sophie. It's very rare that I stick to my first choice character names, but I love it. It's one of those names that I'd love to give to my daughter (when/if I have one) but because of my culture/ country/ heritage, I won't be able to have it. (This, by the way, is how most of my character's names come about.)

Anyway, Sophie was the only choice because I love how it's pronounced in French- see video above. (My BF says there's no difference between the English pronunciation and the French, but I think there is! Our argument is the basis for part of this update.)

Tatler is a 'society' magazine/ journal/ publication in the UK- with some versions across the world. I'm not sure if the US has it, though. I think that's really the only 'Brit' thing to explain. (Likewise, GQ, Vanity Fair and Vogue are all publications.) Enjoy!

Sarah, xx


"I've literally just power walked out of my morning meeting because I have some bad news for you. Or, it could be good news. It depends on your view point."

"Does this news, either bad or good, pertain to you or to me?"

"Mainly you but I like to make everything about me, so it's a little about me, too."

"Whoa, Soph. Steal my thunder, why don't you. What's the news?"

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"I'm sitting down, if that helps."

"Haha, that's good to hear. Ok, news number one. Our friendship is kinda out of the bag. People know that we're friends. At least, the socialites all know and considering Vogue comes under the same company as does Vanity Fair, Tatler and GQ, gossip spreads like a STD between the staff. So, yeah. Cat's out of the bag."

"Gossip spreads like a STD?"

"Maybe even quicker."

"Was that the good news or the bad news?"

"The bad."

"And the good news would be, what, exactly?"

"How many times have you been asked to partake in an interview with Tatler for their Little Black Book edition?"

"Too many times to keep a track of... why?"

"Well, here's the thing- and it's only now that I'm starting to think that this is the bad news, not the good news- but... my editor wants me to kinda, maybe, definitely exploit my connection to you to bag a tell all interview with you, as well as a day shadowing you, so that she can one-up her rivals over at Tatler."


"You can totally say no, of course. In fact, please say no because then I'd feel-"

"Will it be you interviewing me?"

"Um... yes?"

"And, naturally, because your new job in New York starts in three weeks, you'll need to interview me before you leave, yes?"

"That would be best, but like I said-"

"Give me a date and time. Or if you just want to turn up at the office, I'll get Evelyn to send you my work address."

"Hold on, you're actually considering this?"

"No. I'm pretty much agreeing to it."

"Ha... Why? I mean... you've turned down loads of interview opportunities before, why agree to this one?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now