February 26th 2016

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I'm a huge rugby fan! In Wales, it's practically a crime not to like the sport. Anyway, the France game was against Wales, and guess who won? WALES! Whoop! Anyway, info for this update- the Six Nation Championship is a rugby competition played between 6 countries- England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, France and Italy. Happens around this time every year. 

Anyway, comment away on Daniel's reaction to Daniel's attitude at the end of the update! Sarah xx 


"Sorry I'm calling you so early."

"It's five in the afternoon. How is that early?"

"I don't know, I just thought it was the right thing to say. France are playing in the Six Nations tonight and I thought that you and your family would want to watch the game, what with Lucas coming home."

"Oh, so you got my text, huh?"


"You didn't text me back."

"I was in a meeting."

"Well, you were right about the rugby. Lucas is a Frenchie through and through and he loves rugby so we'll be watching. He'd kill me if I was on the phone when he was trying to watch the game."

"You don't support France?"

"When you're half Irish and half French, it's best not to really take sides. If we're talking football, then France, because of Zindane and Thierry Henry. If it's rugby, it's probably Ireland. Unless, I want to be really controversial and then I support Scotland."

"What about England?"


"When Ireland play rugby, do you go to an Irish pub?"

"Sometimes. Other times we just hang out in Dad's study and watch the games. He's got a better choice of booze."

"And what about when France play Ireland?"

"Like two weeks ago?"


"It's mainly a blood bath with lots and lots of screaming and swearing. Those of us who support France yell in French and those of us that support Ireland... well, no one speaks Gaelic, so it's mainly a lot of Irish accented English."

"You don't speak English with an Irish accent, though."

"It's weird, but I do whenever I'm around my da."

"Your da?" 

"My dad. It's what I call him. To his face, that is."

"And behind his back?"

"Dad. The next bit is sarcastic- Obviously."

"The sarcasm was obvious or you said obviously in a sarcastic manner?"

"You know, sometimes I think you're just deliberately doing this to wind me up. I mean, you've got to understand sarcasm! Doesn't everyone?"

"Haha, this time I was winding you up, but I don't always know with you. And no, not everyone understands sarcasm."

"That's a shame. It's my most fluent language."

"Oh, I know it is."

"How's the French going?"

"Terribly. I'm seriously struggling."

"I'll help you on Sunday. Talking about Sunday, what's the plan? Are you picking me up? Am I meeting you there? What should I wear? I've got the photo print to give to Connie already but so you think I should get it framed?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now