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This will be the last update I post here on "Hello."

It's not because I'm giving up on the story... far from it! But, 200 updates is apparently the limit that Wattpad is willing to let me post. There are 366 days in 2016, so you see my predicament!

Because I don't want to delete and/or condense the updates, I've just started fresh on another story that will continue from where we left off. (Kinda.) All updates from July 1st onwards will be on the new story, althought the ones I've posted on this one will remain- I'll just cross them over. 

So, yeah. This is the link to the continuation:

Alternatively, go through my profile! 

Today's update won't be going up for a while because I've yet to finish (or start) it! Check back in a few hours!! 

Love you all, 

Sarah, xx

"Hello?" Pt. 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt