March 28th 2016

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Sorry for the super late update yesterday with the chapter. I spent the entire day with my family, including a super cute niece, Briallen. 

I'll do better this week and update earlier! (Apart from today. Today was family and chocolate egg day!)

Glad you all liked the chapter, by the way (from the comments, I just assume that it went well!). Hopefully, you'll like the one on Friday, too!

Sarah, xx

p.s. Children are always honest. Clue for this update.



"Hi, Soph."

"How'd you know it was me? I didn't even say anything yet!"

"Amazing invention called caller ID."

"Oh, right. That works, I guess."

"What can I do for you?"


"You rang. Why?"

"Because it's our thing."

"Right, but was there a specific reason to your call?"

"No, I just wanted to hear your voice, that's all."


"So, what are you doing?"

"Sophie, what do you need?"

"Nothing, I'm just... bored, that's all."

"You're bored? What, so you thought you could just call me?"

"Worth a try. What crawled up your arse today?"

"Look, Sophie..."


"Don't take this the wrong way, but-"

"You know, when people start a sentence off with that, it's usually followed up by something that is undoubtedly going to be taken the wrong way. It's like, 'no offence, but.' You're always going to be offended by what comes next."


"I called at a bad time, didn't I?"

"No, it's just-"

"Say no more. I'll leave you to it."

<<Danny, who are you on the phone to?>>

"-Just a friend, Nola. Give me a minute and then we can pick up where we left off, ok?-"

<<Is your friend a girl?>>

"-Yes, Nola, she is.-"

<<What's her name? Is she your girlfriend? Is she pretty? Is she the one that you were talking to Mummy about?>>

"-Nola, we'll talk about this later. I'm still on the phone.-"

<<Ok, but I'm painting your nails next.>>

"-That's great, but I should finish this call first, ok, Princess?-"

<<Ok. If your girlfriend wants to come over, I can pain her nails too.>>

"-She's not my girlfriend, Nola.-"

<<Hehe, if you say so, Danny. You've gone red, by the way.>>

"-It's warm in here. Go open a window and I'll finish up on the phone.- Sophie?"

<<Sophie? So she is the one you were talking to Mummy about. Can I meet her?>>

"-Nola, look, now really isn't a good time. Go open the window like I told you to.-"

<<Ok, ok. I'm going.>>


"I am so coming over!"


"Why not?"


"Was there an ending to that sentence?"


"Look, if there's a cute six year old handing out free manicures, I'm totally taking her up on the offer."

"Yeah, fine, whatever. Do you need my address?"

"Nope, I've already got it!"




"If you're really against me coming over, I won't come, Daniel."


"Is this because of yesterday?"


"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. If you bring your notes, we can go over the things we skipped yesterday. Once Nola leaves, that is. Jenna's picking her up in two hours."

"No, no work today. Just fun. You, me and Nola. And manicures!"

"If you say so."

"I do say so. It's still the Bank Holiday, which means no work until tomorrow."

"Great, looking forward to that."

"I'm going to ignore the sarcasm."


<<Danny, come on! I need to paint your nails!>>

"-I'm coming, you little monster. It's ok if we invite my friend, isn't it?-"


"-Yeah, Sophie-"

<<Of course it is! Mummy says she's->>

"-Great! That's sorted then.- Sophie, come over whenever, but in the next hour is best."

"I'm grabbing my house keys as we speak."

"Ok. In the meantime, Nola and I are going to have a little chat. -Aren't we?-"

<<No, we're not.>>

"Oh, my God. I love that kid already!"

"You'll be the only one here that does then."

"Lies, Duck."

"Whatever, Pug."

"See you in a while."

"Ok. Love you, bye."

<<You just told her that you love her! Mummy was ri-"

[Call ended]

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now