March 12th 2016

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Read the update. A/N at the end, too!

Chapter picture is Teresa Palmer, who will be my version of Tamsin.

P.S. In a super annoyed/angry/sad mood tonight. The Welsh Rugby team lost to the English. Devastated! *weeps*

Sarah xx


"Well, how'd it go last night? I know it's ridiculously early but I couldn't wait a second longer! Tell me everything!"

<<Who is this?>>

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was phoning Daniel's number, but I must have dialled someone else, I am so-"

<<This is Daniel's phone. I'm Tamsin.>>

"Oh. Right, uh... I'm Sophie, Daniel's friend. Is he around by any chance?"

<<Sophie? Yes, I've heard a lot about you. Daniel could hardly shut up when he talked about you.>>

"Haha... yeah, well... We're... close?"

<<So I gathered.>>

"Yeah... so... is Daniel available?"

<<He's in the shower at the moment. Can I take a message?>>

"The shower?"


"How long is he going to be?"

<<A while, I should imagine. He worked up quite the sweat last night. Like I said, can I take a message?>>

"Wait a second so I can catch up. Did you stay at Daniel's place last night?"


"Oh, right. Cool. I just thought-"

<<He stayed at mine.>>


<<Look, are you going to leave a message or not? I'd like to shower before work, too.>>

"Yeah... um, could you let him know that the lunch thing tomorrow is cancelled. I have things I need to sort out before my big move, so... I'm unavailable."

<<Is that all?>>


<<Wonderful. I'll relay the message ASAP.>>


"-Tamsin, who's on the phone?-"

<<-Sophie. She's cancelling the lunch thing you two have tomorrow.->>

"-What? Shit! Give me the phone.-"

<<-Ok.- It was lovely talking to you, Sophie.>>



"You're cancelling tomorrow?"



"I have things to do."

"Yeah, but-"

"Actually, I should probably get started on those things. Right now."

"Hey, Sophie-"

"Got to go. I'll, uh... bye."

"Sophie, wait!"



[Call ended]



So, yeah- Tamsin and Daniel- did they, or didn't they? Comments?

Tomorrow, I might just tell you what really happened. 

See you tomorrow, my loves! Sarah xx

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now