January 6th, 2016

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'J'en ai marre'  is French for 'I'm fed up.'


 "Talk to me. I think I'm going insane." 

"Isn't it slightly too late for that? You're already insane." 

"I'm the good kind of insane but if I carry on doing this, I might actually go the bad kind of insane." 

"Luckily for you, I've just wrapped up a meeting and I'm on my way back to the office but traffic is slow." 

"You're talking on the phone while driving? Dude, that's dangerous." 

"I have a chauffeur. Dude." 

"Ok, hearing it back, the word 'dude' is really lame. As is the word 'lame'. Very 90s." 

"The 90s were horrendous." 

"It wasn't that bad. We had Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls and Tamagotchi. I think the 80s were worse. They had Spandau Ballet. The horror." 

"True. Now, what's making you go the bad kind of insane?" 

"I can't tell you if you're driving. I don't want to be the one responsible for you crashing into someone." 

"I have a driver so we're safe." 

"You have a driver?" 

"I do." 

"I shouldn't be surprised really but I kind of am. - I am working. I'm doing some market research. Look. - So, Daniel, would you buy a fifteen hundred pound Tom Ford coat?" 


"And why is that?" 

"Because I have a twenty nine hundred pound Kilgour coat instead." 



"You spent how much on a coat?! - Oh, go away, Rachel! - Apparently, I'm not allowed to talk to you think that." 

"Little does Rachel know how you really talk to me." 


"I thought you were a writer." 

"I am." 

"Why are you pretending to do market research then?" 

"Because Rachel, my assistant, is annoying and thinks I'm procrastinating." 

"Please tell me that she wasn't in your office when you just called her annoying." 

"No, she's gone. But it's not like I haven't said worse to her face before." 

"That's mean." 

"We work in fashion. It's cut throat and if you meet someone nice then they're either new to the industry or they're on something." 

"That explains you then. You're sarcastic and borderline mean because of your job." 

"No, that's just me. I found a job that fit my personality, rather than developed a personality that fit my job." 

"Smart girl."

"I know."

"Modest, too, it seems."

"Absolutely. Can you think of another way to describe a pair of shoes other than to say that they're cute?"

"Why would anyone describe shoes as 'cute'? Kittens and puppies are cute, shoes are practical."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now