May 19th 2016 (pt.1)

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This is the first of today's (unedited) updates. I'll post again later. Sarah, xx

Allofthestars-234 (It was longer than a 5 minute wait, but I wrote more than I was intending to!)


"This is Sophie Clément's phone. Please leave a message at the beep."

"Um... yeah... hi. I mean... Hello? So, you said to call you once I got my head together. Um, so... I still can't quite figure out if you were joking about me being your boyfriend. Sometimes I think you're serious when you're joking, or joking when you're serious. So, uh... if you were being serious, then I think you and I need to talk. Wait, no! Not like that. Not a bad talk, like the break up 'we need to talk' but the general kind of 'we need to talk.' But, if you're joking, then you're really not funny and you're actually a sadist. So, call me back once you're awake."


"This is Sophie Clément's phone. Please leave a message at the beep." 

"By the way, I'm sorry I freaked out last night... after everything that's gone on, it was a little, what the phrase? Left field? It was a little left field that suddenly you called me your boyfriend. Sophie Evangeline Clément Delaney, I just can't quite figure you out. I try, but just when I think I've got you figured out, you do something completely one-eighty and I'm back to square one. Like, wasn't it only six weeks ago that we could barely talk to each other? Ah... wait a second? Is this payback for what I did? Like, I tortured you, now you torture me? Not cool, Soph!"


"This is Sophie Clément's phone. Please leave a message at the beep."

"Unless, you actually meant what you said. In which case, not cool, Soph! You decided to tell me that over the phone?! You really are sadistic aren't you? You know, I had this plan and it was a really good plan. I was going to fly into New York, we were going to have one of those Love, Actually airport moments, I was going to take you to the Empire State Building, profess my love for you, take you home to ravage you and then whisk you away to Vegas- Shotgun wedding!- and then lock you up in the basement so that you could never leave me. And you decide to call me your boyfriend over the phone?! Way to ruin the moment, Clément!"


"This is Sophie Clément's phone. Please leave a message at the beep."

"I was kidding about locking you in the basement. I would never do that. Call me back so I know that I haven't totally made a fool of myself. Ok, thanks. Love you, bye."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now