February 14th, 2016

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Happy Valentines Day to you all! Sarah, xx (There's a song around here somewhere. And a picture! Here's a better link to the picture, because to me, it sums up Danphie- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/58/fd/33/58fd33ed539c2483f049a63c652c3ae0.jpg )


"Stop sending me flowers!"

"But I'm trying to apologise."

"Yes and that's fine, but stop sending flowers."

"You don't like them?"

"They're lovely-"

"Were they too much?"

"Just a little-"

"Because I called every florist in London and ordered every flower available. I didn't know which were your favourites and I called Charlotte and Emma and Hugo-"

"You called them, why?"

"I wanted to know which was your favourite and they all said that you don't have one, so I went out on a limb and bought a truck load of everything in the hopes that one of them was the one."

"You called them all to ask what my favourite flower is?"

"Yes, and to find out your address."

"Right, but in the course of asking them and them telling you that I didn't have a favourite flower, none of them thought to tell you that I'm allergic?"

"You're allergic?"


"Oh. Well, this is going horribly wrong."

"Just a little."

"Do you need me to send someone to come and take the flowers away?"

"No, I've already arranged something. I had the delivery men take them to each of my neighbours. I hope you don't mind."

"No, that's fine. I seriously thought you'd throw them in the rubbish or go mental and thrash them around and ruin the flowers."

"I was tempted but it wasn't worth the sneezing. Or the wheezing, coughing, itchy throat..."

"Right... did you, uh, by any chance... you know, keep the cards?"

"I kept them."

"Did you read them?"



"And, what?"

"Am I forgiven?"


"Sophie, please."

"Look, Daniel, last night was exactly the type of thing I was trying to avoid. I said that I didn't want girlfriends to come between our friendship and not even forty-eight hours after I tell you this, you let a girl get between us! You took Rachel's side without even considering mine. But that wasn't even the worst part. Ask me what was the worst part. Go on, Daniel, ask me!"

"What was the worst part, Sophie?"

"The worst part, thank you for asking, is that you insinuated that talking to me was hell!"

"I didn't mean that, Soph."

"But you still said it!"

"It was a heat of the moment thing."

"You can't take that back, though, Daniel!"

"I know. I deeply regret what I said and how I behaved."

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now