January 8th, 2016

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"Sophie Clément."

"Uh, hello."

"Daniel? - Oh - Hi, sorry, I answered my phone without looking at the caller ID. I thought it was someone else."

"Oh, right. Look, I'm calling to say that I am so beyond-"

"Ok, Danny Boy, I'm going to stop you right there. Apology accepted."

"But I didn't get to finish."

"If you want to keep apologising, then go ahead, but last time you tried to say sorry, it went on for days. Let's just leave it at this. Out of interest, how much of your drunken ramblings can you remember?"

"Almost none of it. Elias has been torturing me with texts all day, filling me in on what I supposedly said or did, but I think he's making half of it up. Apparently, I propositioned you last night."


"Oh, fuck!"

"Haha. Language, Daniel."

"Did I seriously ask you to join me in bed?"

"You were drunk."

"Drunk or not, I can't believe I did that! I thought Elias was winding me up. I hardly know you! I can't ask you to join me in bed. You must think I'm some sort of... of... fuckboy."

"Haha. You're probably the furthest thing from being a fuckboy, Daniel. You've recently ended a long term relationship and you were drunk. It's not a big deal. I actually thought you were funny."

"Funny? You must have a weird sense of humour."

"I meant, it was nice to see that side of you. You're always so serious but you have a personality. You may not be a robot after all."

"Trust me, I don't make a habit of being like that."

"You should. Not make a habit of the drinking, but being less stick-up-the-arse. I get it- you're posh and you're a lawyer, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun every now and then."

"Maybe that could be my New Year's resolution."

"Give it a try, at least. You might actually like it. I'm sure you're not always this uptight."

"No, I am."

"Even with Elias?"

"Even then. I'm uptight and he's laid-back. We're Yin and Yang like that."

"That's boring. Could you at least try to be the fun Daniel with me?"

"I'll do my best. So, your name is Sophie Clément, huh?"

"For work purposes, yes."

"What's your real name?"

"That's a secret I'll never tell. Ex-oh-ex-oh."

"I have no idea what that means."

"I'd be scared if you did know. I don't know your last name either, by the way."

"That's a secret I'll never tell. "

"Haha. That was quite funny. You're using my humour against me."

"I told you I'd try."

"Yeah, well. I don't think I like it that much."

"Be careful what you wish for."


"So, is there any particular reason I can't know your name?"

"Is there any particular reason I can't know your name?"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now