February 4th, 2016

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"Happy Friday Eve!"

"Ok, this is new. Happy Friday Eve to you too?"

"Thanks. What time is your flight?"

"In a couple of hours. I'm packed and ready to go, all I have to do is wait for the driver to come pick me up."

"You even have a driver in Dubai. Did your client win the divorce?"

"You don't really win a divorce, Sophie."

"Ok, well did he lose the divorce?"

"He parted with less than what his soon-to-be ex-wife was demanding. If that counts as a win, then yes, we won."

"Did she get the private island?"

"No. A few cars, the London townhouse, the Los Angeles compound, all the jewels gifted to her during the marriage. Nothing of worth, really. No where near the figure her lawyer gave us."

"And the children? Who got the kids?"

"The nanny."

"The nanny?"

"Well, it's not like either of the parents actually parent them. Trust me, the nanny was the best option."

"That's sad."

"Sad but not unusual considering my clientele. Want to hear something that might cheer you up?"


"... OhI was hoping that you'd say 'no' because I don't actually have anything to cheer you up with."

"Haha. It's ok, that cheered me up. Congratulations on a job well done, Daniel."


"So, what's with the French? You said you couldn't speak the language."

"I'm learning."


"I just thought it would be a good idea, that's all. I need to keep up with you when you're insulting me to your French buddies."

"Well, good luck with that. Je parle trop vite francais."

"That was too quick. Slow down and say it again."

"Exactly. I said that I speak too fast in French."

"That's just stating the obvious. I need to study more."

"I'll teach you some phrases tomorrow, if you'd like."

"That'll be cool. So, you know being bilingual, which language did you grow up speaking?"

"French with Mum, English with Dad and a mix of the two with my siblings. With Charlotte it tends to be French. Emma and Lucas are more English speaking, though. If we're out in public, we'll speak French just for the fun of it."

"So people don't know what you're saying?"

"Yep. It's funny until Emma can't remember a certain word and then makes it obvious who or what we're talking about. 'La femmedans le red coat.'"

"Haha. That's funny. Is being bilingual important to you?"

"Naturally. If I wasn't bilingual, I wouldn't be me. French, France, the culture... it's all important to me. Why do you ask?"

"Would it be something you'd want your children to learn?"

"I'm not having kids, Daniel."

"So you say now. You'll change your mind, no doubt."

"In the highly unlikely event that I ever have children, then yes, I'd raise them speaking as many languages as possible."

"Interesting. Do you speak any other languages apart from English and French? "

"Very basic Spanish, if that counts."

"I have an A-Level in Latin."

"That's pretty cool."

"It's my party trick."

"Have you ever seen those videos of people using knives or swords to open champagne bottles? That's my party trick."

"Ok, your party trick is better than mine."

"Duh. It's a cool trick. - Ok, Rachel. Just a moment! - Daniel, I have to-"


"Yeah, I'm sorry. I wish I could stay longer to talk, but I have to proof read a junior contributor's article."

"That's fine, love. Go work."

"I'm sorry. Have a safe flight home and I'll see you tomorrow. Unless you change your mind about Hogan's."

"Not changing my mind."

"Cool. Well, call me when you get there so I know where to find you."

"Or you can turn up and I'll find you. Remember, I have a photo of you on my phone from that impromptu photoshoot you did."

"Dude, if you think I'm turning up tomorrow with my hair and make up done and looking like I stepped off a shoot, think again, Duckling."

"Fine, I'll just look for the woman who resembles a Pug."


"That's my name."

"Whatever. I'm hanging up on you now."

"Ok. Wait, how did you end the call yesterday? Later, alligator?"

"In a while, crocodile!"

"Bisous, Sophie."

"Haha. Kisses to you too, Daniel."


"Bye. See you tomorrow!"

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now