June 17th 2016

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Sarah xx


"Babe, do you know where me blue jacket is?"

"Soph, why are you phoning me? You're upstairs and I'm downstairs. Just yell."

"Yell? Look, I'm a lady, I do not yell."

"Oh, really? Then what were you doing last night?"

"That was different. Now, have you or haven't you seen my blue jacket?"



"Why do you even need a blue jacket?"

"For the garden party thingy tomorrow."

"Does it have to be blue? Can't you wear something else?"

"That's such a man thing to say. No, I can't wear something else!"

"Why not?"

"Because I've planned all my outfits down to the very last detail and I need that blue jacket!"

"Just wear the dress and don't bring the jacket."

"Daniel, you're being particularly unhelpful."

"Sophie, you're being particularly finickity."



"I know what it means, and I am not being fussy."

"No, you're just being a fashionista."

"What did you just call me?"

"A fashionista."

"How do you even know that word?"

"Jasmine's been filling me in on all things fashion."

"Then why didn't she school you on how important it is to have the blue jacket to do with my outfit?"

"Because she, like me, doesn't give a flying duck if you have a jacket or not, regardless of the colour. You know, at this rate, we'll never make it to Amesbury in time for dinner."

"Shit! Connie's going to kill you!"

"Kill me? Sweetheart, it's your fault that we're late, not mine!"

"But she doesn't need to know that. I'll just tell her that you refused to help me find my jacket and that was why we'relate. She's a woman who knows fashion, she'll understand."

"That's actually believable."

"Mhm. Bow down to me, peasant."

"No, thanks. How important, on a scale of one to ten, is this jacket?"

"One being very important or not at all important?"

"One being not at all important, ten being very important."

"In that case, it's an eleven."

"Fine, if it's that important, I'll come up and help you look for it."


"I feel like I was duped into coming upstairs to help you."

"You were."

"Thought so."

"Now, get your arse up here."

"There better be something in this for me."

"Oh, there will be."

"In that case, I'm running up the stairs."

"I'll be waiting."


"Why don't you come up and find out for yourself."

[Call ended.]



These two! *rolls eyes*

"Hello?" Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now