February 27th 2016

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Ok, things to know- multiple characters in this update, so here's who is who:

<<italics>> is Charlotte.

<<italics in bold print>> is Emma.

"normal print" is Sophie. -italics- is when Sophie is talking to her sisters.

"bold print" is Daniel.

Not so important.

The M3 and M4 are motorways (highways) in Britain. Amesbury in Wiltshire is to the West of England, and Surrey is near London. Sarah xx


"You said you liked old school rock bands, didn't you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Luc, my sisters and I are going through Dad's record collection and there are a ton of vinyl here that I thought you might like. Do you have a record player?"

"Yes but I can't accept your father's old records."

"Why not?"

"He might want them."

"Nope. There's a reason we're going through them. Us girls don't like Dad's taste in music and Luc is too modern to want vinyl. We were discussing if we knew anyone who'd want them and I thought of you. So?"

"What are they?"

"There's some Beatles, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones... Jefferson Airplane, Moody blues- whoever they are- The Kinks... Do you know who Buffalo Springfield are?"


"Yeah, this collection was practically made for you."

"I still can't accept them. Do you know how much records like that are worth? They're vintage classics. People would pay a fortune for those records today!"

"Luckily, you'll get them for free."


"Look, Daniel, either you take them or I throw them into the first skip I see when I get back to the city. Up to you."

"I'll take them! Throw them into a skip! That's madness."

"Glad that's sorted."

"Why are you going through records anyway?"

"It gives us something to do. We're listening to old school music, flipping through photo albums, reminiscing... the usual."

"Sounds nice."

"Yeah, it kinds is."

<<Which one of us is this?>>

<<That's you, Charlotte.>>

"-No, that's me.-"

<<Are you sure? It looks like Charlotte.>>

<<No, that's definitely Sophie. It's the nose.>>

"-Hey! There's nothing wrong with my nose. Daniel says it looks fine. And I even sent him a picture of me in profile.-"

<<Yeah, well, Daniel would say that about you, wouldn't he?>>

<<Haha, so true.>>

"-You two are weird.- Daniel?"

"Still here."

&quot;Hello?&quot; Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now