Chapter 1: First night

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The fact that he agreed to marry me makes me question if my father ever showed him my picture, or he most likely has never seen me.

I tapped my foot on the floor as i sat on the bed, Actually our bed my husband and I ..husband? I'm married. This is mindblowing.

I still can't believe that i am married I rubbed my head with my hand trying to understand if this was true or I was in a dream, Me.

Mrs Maryann Othman.

I take in some air recalling my father telling me about Othman a successful business man, apparently my father and Othman's father were friends from the very begining. So when his son wanted to get married his father suggested me and Othman agreed without seeing me. I agreed because i didn't really have much say my family have a history of arranged marriages.

And within a month the wedding was arranged and we did a small nikkah and now we are married, I know just little about him.

His name is Othman McKinney. He is Muslim i guess, he prays, he is rich, and that's just it.

Does he love me?
I really don't know.

Does he like me?
I hope so.

My name is Maryann Yousuf does he know that?

Does he know my age

I guess he knows I'm just 19 and he is 25 the age difference isn't much, I suppose.

The door swung open showing an angry Othman I immediately stood up from the bed, I didn't  know why I did that, probably just reflex but he was way too handsome compared to the photograph of him I saw. What!

"Assalamualaikum" I greeted him, lowering my gaze away from him. He was sure intimidating.

He made his way to the bathroom, He wasn't even looking at me, maybe he didn't see me. Or I wasn't looking ugly was I?. I rushed to the mirror and my make up was still there and it was still perfect it was done by one of the best in the city my father hired.

I realised he was taking a shower after hearing the sound of water dropping, so I quickly made my way to the closet after cleaning my face with some baby wipes. I changed into my pink pyjamas my cousins and aunties arranged my wardrobe for me and the pink one was the only comfortable one there, the rest were a bit too lacy and too revealing.

After putting it on I sat on the same position i was before waiting for him to come out so I could wash my own face Too, there are bathrooms in the other rooms but I fear if I step out I wouldn't find my way back, The corridors had a lot of corners and were way too confusing, Although I just need to apply more water on my face the baby wipes has done the major trick.


My phone rang it was the phone Othman gave me as one of the wedding gifts the phone was exquisite. I slide it open and I saw a message from my best Friend, Fatima.



How is it going? Hope you are not making noises ;)



What is that suppose to mean?



Don't act all innocent on me you know what I mean ;)



Is that supposed to be a wink



Don't! Change! the! topic!!!

This girl is too crazy.

I was about to reply her but decided not to when I heard the water coming from the shower got turned off I quietly dropped the phone by the bed side table, What should I do that won't make things look weird between us and why do I feel like I'm scared of him I decided to seat on the bed and if he comes out I will go right into the bathroom.

I heard the door open and I look towards his direction and I noticed him in a towel, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I quickly looked away never have I seen a man without a shirt then now a man in a towel Only.

He ignored me he is obviously acting like im not here, was he also forced into the marriage as well, standing up I made my way to the bathroom closing the door behind me.

The bathroom was still steamy but I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth when I was done I looked at my self in the mirror.

He talking to me there must be a reason to it, not that I want him to, okay maybe I do. Just a little but I do believe he was forced.

stop complaining. I mentally scold myself then washed my face one more time.

I came out and he was already on his bed head on the pillow and his phone in his hands texting.

I sat on the bed before putting my legs under the duvet and covering my body with it, should I talk to him, if Fatima were here she would say yes I should.

Here goes nothing.

He sits then stands up. He did all this with my eyes glued to him. I came over to my side. "sit up straight." He informed me I immediately did as he instructed like a robot.

"Othman" my lips blurted out, shoot now im regretting why I said that, not only did my voice come out like someone with severe sore throat but I think I pronounced his name wrong.

He pressed on the power button which made the phone go dark then he looked me.

He placed his hand on my forehead and made some dua's I didn't understand what he was Saying but I knew it was Arabic. He was done and looked deep to my eyes.

"Yeah?" Straight into my eyes.

Oh my days what should I say

First chapter(First book) dont forget too






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